July 8, 2015

This is the future that our new culture is proclaiming for troubled kids — a future of genitals that are like “wounds” and suicide rates that skyrocket beyond all reason, more than nineteen times that of the general population. Read more

July 8, 2015

When same sex marriage advocates mock Christians who fear this will unravel religious freedom, they're being disingenuous. Remember the Kleins, who refused to use their God-given talents to make a cake celebrating a same sex wedding? Well, they were fined $135,000 and -- get this -- given a gag order not to speak out against same sex marriage! Read more

July 6, 2015

Feminists should shudder at the thought that one of their own high profile members, Camille Cosby’s support of a possible serial rapist was described as "the strength of womanhood." Read more

July 6, 2015

Listen to the woman who defended her husband by questioning the victims. Read more

July 6, 2015

It was still dark outside when “Jonah” (not his real name) heard the pounding on his front door. As luck would have it, he was awake — or mostly awake. Read more

July 4, 2015

I'm thankful for having lived in both areas, and I love darting up to New York to catch a play or grab great dinner. But I'm also thankful to be raising my children in a more open-minded area than Manhattan: Columbia, Tennessee. Read more

July 3, 2015

Don't be discouraged. be thankful to be here, now, to do what little you can to nudge us down the right path. Read more

July 1, 2015

I lost my breath. I knew white parents shouldn’t discipline their black kids in public, but was lecturing off limits too? Read more

June 30, 2015

David was asked to appear on MSNBC to talk about gay marriage. How did he do? Read more

June 29, 2015

Everyone is depressed after last week's big ruling against traditional marriage. Everywhere you go, people are wondering about the ramifications for people of faith. Though many social media memes mock the idea that the Supreme Court's embrace of same sex marriage will affect religious freedom, it's undeniable. Things will change. Read more

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