August 6, 2020

In the United States, if you are conservative theologically, you will tend to be conservative politically.  That’s certainly the case with me.  But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Growing up in the Bible belt of rural Oklahoma, I knew lots of fundamentalists and evangelicals, all of whom were New Deal liberal Democrats.  I don’t think I had ever met a Republican until college, a party I was brought up to associate with “virtue of selfishness” atheists like Ayn Rand.

What happened to make Oklahoma and evangelicals in general rock-ribbed Republican, as is the case today?  Well, the Sixties happened, with the counter culture, the various liberation movements, and radical politics.  Conservative Christians no longer felt at home in the Democratic party.  Roe v. Wade happened.  Conservative Christians saw in the “liberals” who championed abortion a great moral evil.  Ronald Reagan happened.  His coalition gave conservative Christians a place at the table.  In this climate, conservative Christians learned more about conservative politics and free market economics and made themselves at home.

Meanwhile, in Europe, the alliance of conservative religion and progressive politics had long manifested itself in the Christian Democracy movement.  The evangelicals and confessional Lutherans I have met in Scandinavia tend to belong to the Christian Democratic Party and, as such, are pro-national health care, pro-immigrant, and pro-other social programs.

I’ve recently read two articles on this movement and its impact in Europe.  To be sure, the specific Christian Democracy parties have become less distinctly Christian as they used to be, in line with the secularization of Europe.  But not completely.  The Finnish medical doctor and member of parliament Päivi Räsänen, who got herself in legal trouble for writing against the LGBT agenda, is a Christian Democrat.  (Probably the most well-known Christian Democrat today is Germany’s president Angela Merkel.)

Michel Gurfinkiel has just published a history of Christian Democracy in Europe for First Things, including its rise and then its fall into secularism.

And Texas A&M political scientist James Rogers, a Lutheran Christian (LCMS), has published Lessons for America from Europe’s Christian Democracy.

It is evident from these articles that orthodox Christians working through these parties played a huge role in the construction of modern Europe.  They promoted democracy and liberty in countries long controlled by monarchies and the aristocracy.  And the democratic governments they established had as a purpose promoting the common good, giving rise to universal health care and the other social benefits of the so-called welfare state.

Prof. Rogers uses the example of the Christian Democrats to challenge common criticisms of religion in the public square. Contrary to the critics, the history and influence of Christian Democracy shows that the influence of Christianity is not “illiberal”–that is, opposed to freedom–but quite the contrary:

Contrary to the common liberal conceit, however, not only is serious (and orthodox) religious belief consistent with robust forms of liberal polity, one can argue that liberal polities can flourish only in societies that embrace Christian absolutes. Conversely, a liberalism that rejects metaphysical absolutes has rejected the very grounds that sustain liberalism.

At the very least, it is spurious to claim that commitment to religious tolerance, and liberty more generally, can derive only from anti-foundationalism or some pragmatic modus vivendi between conflicting religious parties.

Prof. Rogers then raises the question of why a Christian Democratic movement didn’t arise in the United States.  The reason, he provocatively argues, is baptism.

Christian Democracy arose in Catholic, Lutheran, and Calvinist countries, in churches that all practice infant baptism.  If Christians are those who have been baptized, countries in which nearly everyone is baptized can be considered a Christian nation, so that Christian concepts can be promoted for the entire country.  In America, where evangelicalism reigns, a Christian is someone who has converted as an adult, so that most people cannot really be considered Christians at all.  This promotes an individualistic approach to religion, which undercuts the possibility of social solidarity.  As a result, American Christians tend to be attracted to the individual autonomy of free market, limited government conservatism.

According to Prof. Rogers,

The central political feature of Christian Democracy is its recognition that both freedom and solidarity are essential to human flourishing. This recognition in turns derives from Christianity’s essential sacramental core. It derives from the both/and of individual identity and corporate identity created by and reflected in baptism and the Eucharist. Without this sacramental and ecclesial center, there is no image for the polity to reflect, and ideologies resolve into the one or the other: the anomie of individualism or the despotism of collectivism.

I am greatly intrigued by his analysis, but I would add some considerations.  “Conservatism” means different things in Europe and in the United States.  The question is always, what do you want to conserve?

In Europe, to be conservative historically has meant supporting the monarchy, with its strong central government and elitism.  In the United States, conservatives want to conserve Constitutional government, with its limited government, equality, individual rights, and freedom.

By the same token, “liberalism” means something different in the two contexts.  In Europe, “liberal,” which again derives from the Latin word for freedom, means free market economics and liberty in general.  Which is why the “Liberal Party” in Australia is actually what Americans would describe as the conservative party.  Whereas in the United States, “liberal” has come to mean progressivism, openness to change of every sort, and left-leaning ideologies.  Including, ironically, support for strong central governments and opposition to free market capitalism.  Which in Europe would imply conservatism.

There is, by the way, a third-party called the American Solidarity Party that is committed to Christian Democracy ideology.

But, given the different definitions of both “conservative” and “liberal,” American Christian conservatives are arguably not that different from European Christian liberals.


Illustration:  Logo of the Italian Christian Democratic Party by Danrolo / CC BY-SA ( via Wikimedia Commons


February 11, 2020

Police in Finland are investigating the leader of an entire denomination for publishing a booklet that disapproves of homosexuality.  The author of that booklet,which sets forth the Biblical teachings about sexuality, is also under investigation for the crime of “agitation against an ethnic group,” a statute which added “sexual orientation” to the list of protected classes.  The maximum punishment is two years in prison.

I have blogged about Christianity in Scandinavia and Finland in particular, based on what I learned during my speaking engagements in those regions.  See my posts on the subject, for example, Confessional Lutheranism in Finland, Scandinavia’s Two Tracks of Christianity, and Challenges for Conservative Churches in Scandinavia.

The police came for the Rev. Dr. Juhana Pohjola, Dean of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland.  This is a church body that broke away from the established state church.  It was started by members of independent mission organizations, which have become the home of evangelical, conservative Christianity in the nordic countries.  The Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese is committed to confessional Lutheranism and is a member, along with the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, of the International Lutheran Council.

The church published a 24-page booklet entitled in English Male and Female Created He Them.  (The link will take you to the English translation.)  There is nothing hateful in the booklet.  It simply lays out what the Bible says about sexuality, including the teaching that homosexuality is against God’s design.

Also being prosecuted is the author of that booklet, Dr. Päivi Räsänen.  She is a member of the Finnish parliament and a former Minister of the Interior, no less!  She is also under criminal investigation for a tweet she wrote last year in which she asked leaders of the state church what their doctrinal basis was for supporting a gay pride parade.

The booklet was written back in 2004, long before Finland legalized same-sex marriage in 2017.  An earlier investigation of the book concluded that no crime had been committed, but the Prosecutor General has re-opened the case, saying there is reason to believe that it “incites hatred.”

You have got to read Rod Dreher’s interview with Dr. Räsänen, who is very impressive in her integrity–she might have avoided prosecution for her tweet by taking it down, but she refused to do so–and in the way she speaks up for Christian truth in the public square.  (For example, she points out that the Finnish state church is obligated, by law, to base its teachings on the “Holy Scriptures,” and asks, how could it then be illegal to teach what the Holy Scriptures say?)  Here is a sample of what Dr. Räsänen, a medical doctor, has to say:

I believe that ultimately the purpose of these attacks is to eliminate the Word of God and discard the Law of God. It is very problematic that expressing Christian beliefs is often seen as insulting in the West. For example, marriage between a man and a woman has become a concept that is understood as restrictive, even threatening. Concepts such as man and woman, father and mother, are dearly loved concepts, and as old as the history of humanity. The attempt to break down the gender system based on two different genders hurts especially children. It is unfortunate how uncritically the ideology of sexual diversity and LGBT activism has been supported and endorsed even by churches.

I believe that every person has the right to hear the whole truth of God’s Word, both the Gospel and the Law. Only people who recognize their sins need Jesus, the propitiation for our sins. We must have the courage to speak about the dangerous effects of LGBT activism. Debatable themes such as immoral sexual relations have to do with guilt. Guilt cannot be solved by denying it, but only by confessing it and receiving mercy and the message of forgiveness in Jesus’ sacrifice. It is impossible to think that classical Christian doctrine would become illegal in the West.

I know both Juhana Pohjola and Päivi Räsänen.  Dr. Pohjola took my wife and I out to a Finnish feast.  I had a wonderful conversation with him, and he introduced me to other leaders of the confessional church in Finland who got together to meet me and for an informal presentation on my part.

My wife and I also had lunch with Dr. Räsänen.  We talked about the political scene in Finland and about her political party, the Christian Democrats, which combines economic liberalism with social conservatism.

I didn’t get to know them well in such a short amount of time, but our acquaintance gives a special resonance as I read these stories about how their strong witness to their faith is putting them in legal jeopardy.

As it happens, Dr. Pohjola is scheduled to meet with the police on February 11, which is today.  Pray for him.  Also pray for Dr. Räsänen.  And for the other faithful Christians in Finland.  And in other parts of the world, where many are enduring much worse persecutions.  And pray for Christians in the United States of America.  Our Constitution guarantees our freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press, giving us much greater legal protections than are common even in advanced democracies such as Finland.  But we sometimes find it hard to stand up for our beliefs if they are merely unpopular?  How would we bear up if our beliefs were to become criminalized?

UPDATE:  For an account of Dr. Pohjola’s five-hour police interrogation, go here.


Photo of Dr. Päivi Räsänen, by Soppakanuuna [CC BY-SA (] via Wikimedia Commons.


HT:  Paul McCain

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