I'll Stop Watching Porn When…

I'll Stop Watching Porn When… January 25, 2016

All through middle school, I thought, I’ll stop watching porn when I get in high school. I was convinced that older guys didn’t need to watch it.

When I made it to high school, my plan became to no longer watch pornography once I found a serious girlfriend. In reality, I dated the same girl all through high school and that’s when porn became solidified as my escape. I went to porn when I was lonesome or frustrated with her. Even though I was a star student and a role model in my youth group, this secret addiction was my constant companion.


I’m grateful to CovenantEyes for giving me the opportunity to strip away another layer of shame and encourage others in recovery to do the same. To read the rest of my story, click here.

If you’re visiting from CovenantEyes, welcome! I’m so glad you stopped by. Here’s three more stories you might want to check out:

  1. Breaking the Cycle of Shame
  2. The One Group the Church Needs to Welcome the Most
  3. How I Found Healing from Abuse

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