December 30, 2015

I’ve made (and broken) several resolutions through the years, but for 2016, these are the three ways I am going to start over. Will you join me? Read more

December 30, 2015

I’ve made (and broken) several resolutions through the years, but for 2016, these are the three ways I am going to start over. Will you join me? Read more

December 17, 2015

Do you ever read a familiar scripture and see something new? It happens to me from time to time... And it happened when I read that Herod ordered all the baby boys to be killed. All of them two years old or younger. Little baby boys... Who had just started their lives. Little baby boys who were their daddy's pride and their mommy's heart. Read more

December 15, 2015

In times of transition, it’s normal to feel lost or forgotten. But you are not lost, and neither is God. He is right where He’s always been, longing to be with us in our struggle. He wants to wait with us while we look for our new normal. He is never intimidated by our situation and He never gives up on us, even when we lack faith. Read more

December 9, 2015

If you've ever felt lost, lonely, or just plain stuck, this letter is for you. Read more

December 8, 2015

I was changed by the bold actions of my gracious friend. She told me, “unconditional love always ignites restoration.” In her bold act I am reminded that I can value and appreciate even those with whom I strongly disagree. It’s not enough to just encourage “random acts of kindness,” or just being nice to each other, but we must also love and step toward the other side, no matter who they might be. Read more

December 7, 2015

His fingers silently wove a tapestry of grace in the cool night air as he told me that he had heard the rumors but those words meant nothing to him. “Because I know you. I know Steve,” he said to me. I thought the old man might cry as he let me know how glad he was that I made it through the suicide attempt. He asked me to no longer put him and his wife in the same boat as the others who had turned their backs or given up on me. He told me that he wasn’t interested in the gossip. What he was saying is that I mattered. He did not believe the words of those who would spread judgment. He believed in me. Read more

December 5, 2015

My friend Sarah's story is being featured today by The Good News Network. Her interview garnered lots of attention and is starting great conversations all over the place. A movement of intentional acts of grace and unconditional love is the best way to change our world for the better. I am thankful for you, Sarah! Read more

December 4, 2015

Many of us were glued to the news last Friday, as the story of the shooting in Colorado Springs unfolded. A lone gunman, Robert Dear, killed three people and wounded nine others at a Planned Parenthood clinic. This past Wednesday, I was intrigued by the actions of a dear friend and former classmate, Sarah. Her bold act really sparked my thinking on what I can personally do to show grace and love in tangible ways. I asked if I could ask her a few questions and share her responses here. Read more

November 25, 2015

The struggle with condemnation is miserable. The other day, our pastor said something that I’ll repeat often, “We should tell the Truth in conversation, not condemnation.” That’s what Jesus always did & continues to do.  This week’s Grace is Messy post on Altarwork talks about the fight with condemnation.     Join the conversation: just click here! Read more

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