Like Theology and Missiology Books? Want 5 Free Ones?

Like Theology and Missiology Books? Want 5 Free Ones? June 10, 2013

This is the 4th and final week of a series giveaway in which I’m giving away a lot of books. Each book concerns the interaction of theology and missiology. Why?


All the posts this week will discuss how to contextualize salvation, in particular Christ’s atonement and justification. This is the subject of the last third of my book.

This week, if you have entered the drawing, you could win the following books.

My book–– Saving God’s Face: A Chinese Contextualization of Salvation through Honor and Shame


Theology and Practice of Mission: God, the Church, and the Nations

Theology in the Context of World Christianity: How the Global Church Is Influencing the Way We Think about and Discuss Theology

Theology Drives Methodology: Conversion in the Theology of Charles Finney and John Nevin

Globalizing Theology: Belief and Practice in an Era of World Christianity

Who is the winner from week #3?

fishemb subscribed to become of a follower of the blog and has now won a free copy of my book, Saving God’s Face, as well as 2 of the following three books:

1. Lost Letters of Pergamum, The: A Story from the New Testament World

2. The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently…and Why

3. Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes: Removing Cultural Blinders to Better Understand the Bible

This is how you enter the drawing for Week #4.

1. Subscribe by EMAIL  or FOLLOW the blog (this gets you 2 entries)

2. Post something about the book on your own blog or Facebook page (2 entries)

—you need to let me know

3. “Like” the Jackson Wu Page on Facebook (1 entry)

–make sure to add a link to my blog as well so I’ll be notified you did it.

4. “Follow” on Twitter (1 entry).

–If you are already a follower, then Tweet something about the book so I can see it.

Misc Notes

** I’ll start adding “entries” starting now. So, if you today enter in one of the ways mentioned, you’ll be entered into the contest.

** Your entries count for the entire four weeks (but you can only win once).

** If you buy the book, then leave a comment or post a blog to let me know. I’ll add an extra entry into the contest on your behalf. You can give away the free one as a gift. Keep the other books for yourself.

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