Students “borrow points” to pass test

Students “borrow points” to pass test January 31, 2017

Credit: Flickr/zoliblog

Here are a few noteworthy articles reflecting on contemporary Chinese culture.

1. “Teachers Loan Students Points to Pass Exams

I think you’ll like this one. It’s Chinese ingenuity at its best. Wang Yiwei explains that a high school in Nanjing has implemented a system that allows pupils to boost low grades by borrowing marks on future tests. The article opens,

“Students at a school in Nanjing need no longer fear the shame of failing their exams, now that their teachers will lend them the points they need to get passing grades — provided they pay back their loans when it comes time for the next test, of course.”

I wouldn’t approve of this idea, but I at least like the creativity of the solution.

2. “How Weibo Reflects China’s National Pride and Shame

Han Le’s article observes how posts on the popular microblogging site offer a confused picture of how users want others to perceive their country.

“First, Chinese Weibo users often display an acute sense of shame, which mainly stems from their previous failures to respond to news of global issues in acceptable ways. Second, netizens often take to Weibo in order to express national pride, especially when the Chinese government responds swiftly and reliably to humanitarian disasters in foreign lands.”

It would be worth studying how social media both reflect and shapes the use of honor and shame across traditional cultures. I know some research has already been done. If you have articles to recommend, leave a comment.

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