defend the work

defend the work June 30, 2022

To defend the work, there are a few different ways to analyze traffic on the website.

  • One way has to do with page visit or landing pages. In the last 90 days to 16 weeks, about the periods of some college courses I’ve actually done better than expected.
  • I was going to share some highlights but I’m not sure if the time has passed.
  • I guess it’s proprietary.
  • Maybe I could offer some directed readings without being too weird.
  • A few ecumenical scholars have offered to do so for me to propel me forward toward a research doctorate.
  • Also, academic and ecclesial groups talk about great works in my field, perhaps even as part of their residency.

Beyond all of these are ways and means I know nothing about.


Therefore, I’m categorizing this article as “In Dialogue” and “Traverse City” because some of the articles from our time in the region are still doing beyond well, unfortunately for those who love to critique. I’m not necessarily self-abasing. I may be non-assuming, but I’m not afraid to defend the work.

I was going type it out on Patheos, but I guess I’ll have to do a little extra reading

I’m using an older device I haven’t used in awhile, an old iPad for preliminary work on the road today.

Excerpts from the audio report

There are a few different ways to analyze, trying to refrain from starting out too scholarly. At some times I feel like I’m too scholarly and at other times I feel like I’m just communicating.

Landing pages from the last 16 weeks

Some things have changed in the last few years, but 90 days to 16 weeks were common for school and college courses.

These are the top pages for analytics.

The goal isn’t to make an A every time, right?

When I worked for various crews, consistency was a value I exuded and there were others, like sincerity and a sense of an undercurrent of happiness. At times I was questioned by those on the same level and up the chains (perhaps interwoven chains of command) about these ideals.

I’m listening to this playlist now. I can’t repeat all of these conversations and articles. You’ll just have to listen to the audio above, and it’s possible it will not be around for long, maybe. Below there is an area where I offer a transcription of what I said above, just for kicks, because I need some new ones perhaps. I don’t know, but I do jog (hike in a way) often and I’m getting in a lot of steps around here, just chill. Read it however you like “…don’t care anymore” (an old unsavory TV gameshow quote). There is plenty of Bible in the articles I’m reviewing, so please don’t go looking for the quote on Netflix or in your library of National Geographic magazines. You’d be off a little. I guess I’m sorry for taking time to defend the work.

It’s proprietary, and often those asking defend the work I’m offering

If someone’s values are seen clearly, even though authenticity may be an overused term, it is my personal opinion it’s noticeable

I don’t know if it’s a spirit thing or an activity of the Holy Spirit, or a combination of all types of sensate gifts He instills in everyone just waiting to thrive.

“On Holism, Holiness, and Wholeness” CLICK

“clickbait vs. developing the why” CLICK

“bribes & coming to terms w/ related terms | Solomon’s wisdom, pt. 6” CLICK

“considering church & college ethics in this time” CLICK

There were some people who didn’t agree with;

“Guest Post | Joel Triska on divorce” CLICK

but I promised to keep them up to speed with his posts and he did a phenomenal job. He’s actually reworked his resume into an experiential resume. I thinks it’s like only two pages long; and it’s like paragraphs and everything; and it helped get his foot back in the door; with a sort of like a really good working environment. So, um;

“Freud vs. Jung | lines of succession” CLICK

so I’m sure you’ll make a good choice.

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