Thomists to the Natural Law ethicists

Thomists to the Natural Law ethicists June 27, 2022

Thomists to the Natural Law ethicists: lead in

1) When using Scripture as a basis for ethics, are we going beyond what the Law did?

2) What is the purpose of a Biblical lifestyle or Christian ethics?

suggested answers

1) No, we too are trying to apply the Word daily, although we rely on Christ instead of the rule of the Law.

2) Like the Law, our ethics point the world toward wrong and right, dark and light, sin and salvation.

grounding ethics in Scriptural inspiration

“No one will be so impressed by the exhortations of any of the saints, as he is by the words of the Lord Himself, the lover of man.”[1]

The Latin is difficult to know, as are the dates exactly because Clement is still well versed in Greek, yet I’m working with a Latin online translator. Clement does believe in faith as the means of salvation, but attaining knowledge (ginosko) as a postlude to the entry into the walk of Christian faith.

Now I really like Irenaeus of Lyons and Chrystosom (who is well received by both the East and West because he writes in Greek, but he lives in the West).

CLICK and see footnotes especially

He also recognizes the fact that the Hebrew heritage can be a lead-in to the Christian faith (protoevangelium) despite the title of the article. He may or may not be dealing with a particular group, perhaps an idea. Once again Latin, Greek, and Aramaic online translators are keenly adept.

The Word of God is perhaps beyond an impact tool, you really don’t have to hear me out. I know people who carry a lot of impact tools all over and they’re not really alive in the same way the Word is, right? 2 Timothy iii:16.a states:

All scripture is given by inspiration of God.
All scripture is inspired by God
or all scripture inspired by God is useful for . . . [2]

There may be a recognition among anyone among the abbey and the apostolate; among Thomists and the Natural Law ethicists.

Thomists to the
Natural Law ethicists

Some people consider some texts spurious. Yet others consider some texts to be . . . like our devotional reads . . . or not to be . . . if one wants to scratch the last way of translating the above Scripture.

However, the canon authors operate under Divine “inspiration,” literally meaning God-breathed (or under a dispensation for people who ascribe to live under the umbrella). Scripture is the very breath of God, not a good moral law. Scripture is not a set of precepts like those in other religions. It is the very essence of God, communicated to us, ever heard of pneumatics?


First impressions?


IDK, could be unrelated, or is the article? There are various ideals, and perhaps umbrellas or ecumenical communities who share a dispensational approach (see above).

Those who are perhaps friends of friends work in the ethics realm on a daily basis, integrating and influencing societies perhaps even globally.

[1] Clement of Alexandria, Contra Saracenoram IX
[2] Scripture: KJV and USSCB, thanks for your permission

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