July 1, 2013

The omnipresence of cell phone cameras and social media raises the issue of when and how photography is appropriate at sacred events and sacred places. The answer may be more complex than you think. Read more

June 28, 2013

Christine Kraemer's Seeking the Mystery is now available in print as well as the previously issued e-book. It's a concise introduction to good Pagan theology. I recommended it before I came to Patheos and I still do. Read more

June 26, 2013

The gods – of Egypt or of any other land – do not make everything right. If we listen to them and work with them, they will point us in the right direction. But we have to do the work. Read more

June 24, 2013

Those who make fun of “first world problems” are half right: we need to develop a sense of proportion and a sense of compassion for those whose daily lives are far more difficult than our worst day. But the fact that others are hurting more doesn’t make me hurt any less. Read more

June 21, 2013

Today we celebrate the Summer Solstice. Tomorrow I’ll set aside my Druid robes, put on an Egyptian tunic and help lead a ritual to honor the gods and goddesses of Egypt and present them to the people of this new time and place. Read more

June 19, 2013

Acknowledging mystery is an act of humility and integrity. It accepts the limitations of human perception but refuses to be restricted to only one way of knowing. Read more

June 17, 2013

There are three centers to the Pagan movement. How can someone who identifies with all three develop an integrated spiritual practice that honors the gods, cares for Nature, and refines the soul? Read more

June 13, 2013

Is there a devil? For Pagans, the question is academic. For Christians and Muslims, the question can be quite personal. The Catholic saint Teresa of Avila said it best: “I am more afraid of those who are terrified of the devil than I am of the devil himself.” Read more

June 11, 2013

Paganism has always emphasized orthopraxy over orthodoxy, so it is not surprising that recent theological discussions have generated a backlash against belief. While we should hold our beliefs lightly, the idea that experience makes belief unnecessary simply doesn’t work for most people, including most Pagans. Read more

June 9, 2013

All of Nature is beautiful, powerful and sacred. But whether they are especially powerful or if they are simply different from the places we are used to experiencing, some places make it easy to connect with the Source of Life itself. Acadia helped me remember who I am. Read more

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