June 2, 2018

Embed from Getty Images The headlines announce, sometimes gleefully, that this administrator or that politician was fired, forced out, defeated. Some lost an election, but oftentimes an official was involved in something shady. So they suffered the consequences. But some leaders lose their positions because of what they don’t do—act decisively upon reports of wrongdoing among his staff. We understand that personal failure leads to personal consequences. If I did wrong, justice means that I may—and if so, deservedly—face censure or punishment... Read more

May 28, 2018

I often feel like a fraud writing parenting posts. I may know my points to be true, but much like the spiritual life, the facts that I know the facts doesn’t necessarily mean that I live them out. Take, for instance, my post about ruining kids’ summer. As the first full week commences, I have yet to implement a plan, a routine, a budget. I have a vague idea that we will join a friend once per week for a... Read more

May 22, 2018

This post comes to you courtesy of 1997. Two young, happy seminary students traveled to her hometown to marry in the church where his parents married decades earlier. The church selection, a happy coincidence, nevertheless earned the bride big brownie points with the new in-laws. As you can see from the photo quality, we are old(-ish). Twenty-one years this week. I still believe I chose well. “Is he kind?” one of my eventual bridesmaids asked me when I was trying... Read more

May 19, 2018

Embed from Getty Images Didn’t get up early to watch Harry and Meghan tie the knot? Watch a full two hours and thirty minutes worth of The Royal Wedding here. Don’t miss these slide shows of highlight moments. Embed from Getty Images Embed from Getty Images   And in case you missed the amazing gospel-centered sermon, read it all here. Read more

May 17, 2018

Later this month my husband and I will celebrate our wedding anniversary. Twenty-one years and we still love—and like—each other. I remember the dilemma back when we were dating: “Is he the one? How do I know?” Marriage is a big deal—as in, life-long consequences—so I wanted to ensure I made the right decision. The most common advice I received included these three elements: “Pray about it.” “Seek wise counsel.” “Consider all the circumstances that led you to this point.”... Read more

May 14, 2018

Around here, summer break looms close—our kids’ schools let out before Memorial Day. Will we enjoy—or endure—a full twelve weeks of summertime? Several factors play into the eventual outcome, and only one of them depends on the children. Of my seventeen summers of motherhood, some have been more pleasant than others. I’m talking about for me, not the kids, because we all know that if mama’s not happy, nobody’s happy. When mom counts the summer a success, the kids likely do... Read more

May 11, 2018

A true apology requires true humility. Saying “sorry” for something you did never feels good in the moment, as it brings one face-to-face with a failure of character. But repentance is necessary for reconciliation, which is the end goal on the other side of a conflict. Parents start early teaching their children to apologize. Picture the stammering, red-faced toddler shuffling his feet, while Mom looks on, facing his playground friend. “I’m sorry.” “For …?” Mom prods the child gently. “For... Read more

May 8, 2018

What must they think of me? This question haunted my childhood. I love music, but music doesn’t love me. I was enjoying my all-around success story—the scholar, the athlete, the friendly do-gooder. My achievements kept me riding high all year long. Until May, when my class, the sixth graders, were offered an opportunity to sing at the eighth graders’ graduation ceremony. The graduates’ voices would be missing from the seventh/eighth-grade choir, so spots opened up for sixth graders willing and... Read more

May 2, 2018

Thursday, May 3, 2018, marks the 67th annual observation of the National Day of Prayer in America. But at my kids’ public junior high school, every Thursday morning is devoted to prayer. My twelve-year-old daughter founded and leads a weekly morning prayer club before the bell rings. As a parent, I find both the national event and the school meeting interesting, but the latter much more exciting. What is the National Day of Prayer all about? Organizers point out that... Read more

April 30, 2018

How can we help children understand Jesus’s parables as more than mere morality lessons? Marty Machowski hopes parents and children will do this together using his new release, Listen Up: 10-Minute Family Devotions on the Parables. The pastor-turned-author continues to resource parents with biblically-based devotional content for families. Listen Up unpacks the sometimes-confusing parables of Jesus and breaks them into short, digestible exercises and readings suitable for children and youth. Much like his 2016 release Wise Up (centered in Proverbs), Listen Up... Read more

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