March 8, 2024

Volker Turk, The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said today of the Israeli-occupied West Bank that Jewish “settler violence and settlement-related violations have reached shocking new levels, and risk eliminating any practical possibility of establishing a viable Palestinian state.” He said that because the traditional thinking is that a Palestinian state can only be established where Palestinians have lived in the past century or more–the West Bank and Gaza Strip. But as I keep harping for all these many... Read more

March 8, 2024

Today, the U.S. government released the report of its exhaustive investigation of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects), now called UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena), and it denies the existence of “extraterrestrial” intelligent life. This report dates back to U.S. government involvement in trying to identify UFOs since the late 1940s. The word “extraterrestrial” is generally understood as physical life originating in this universe from somewhere other than planet Earth. That’s how “aliens” are usually understood. I have blogged a lot about this... Read more

March 6, 2024

Some 62-year guy in Germany has been “hypervaccinated” with 217 COVID-19 vaccination shots by his own choosing. It came to the attention of German law enforcement and then health authorities due to a fraud investigation. But the details of it appear to remain secret. He had 130 of these 217 coronavirus vaccinations in a period of nine months. When asked why he did it, he said it was for “private reasons.” His case was reported Monday in the Lancet Infectious... Read more

March 4, 2024

Daniel Pipes, president of The Middle East Forum and author of Islamism vs. the West: 35 Years of Geopolitical Struggle, has authored an interesting article entitled “Netanyahu’s Bold, Realistic Plan for ‘the Day After Hamas'” that was published in the Wall Street Journal yesterday. It begins with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s brief document announced last month entitled “The Day After Hamas.” Indeed, the prime minister had been criticized for not speaking up on this subject soon after Hamas—the Islamic... Read more

March 3, 2024

One time when Jesus attended Passover at the temple, he got angry at those selling animals, made a whip, and drove them out, saying, “‘Take these things out of here! Stop making my Father’s house a marketplace!’ … The Jews then said to him, ‘What sign can you show us for doing this?’ Jesus answered them, ‘Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up’” (John 2.16, 18-19 NRSV). We are then informed, “But he was speaking... Read more

February 26, 2024

At the request of the UN General Assembly, the Court of Justice at The Hague held a week of hearings, which it completed today, about Israel’s 57-year occupation of the so-called “Palestinian territories.” It heard from over 50 nations, most of whom sided with Palestinians in the intransigent conflict between Israel and Palestinians. Since justice grinds slowly, the Court said it would render its opinion on the matter in about six months. What matter? Israel allegedly in violation of international... Read more

February 25, 2024

The political-religious ideology known as “Christian nationalism” exists in various countries in the world, especially in the U.S., and it has been growing in popularity in recent years, mostly among evangelicals. And I have been an evangelical all of my adult life. But what is Christian nationalism? It refers mostly to efforts by professing Christians to pass government legislation that would further identify their nation as “Christian” and thereby oppose secularism. U.S. Christian nationalists often claim their nation was founded... Read more

February 19, 2024

The New York Times had a good article Friday about apologizing. It says that apologizing makes a person vulnerable. So, people who resist vulnerability have difficulty apologizing. Mucho men saying “no regrets” is the opposite of apologizing. Women often complain that men are like that. It may be due to us guys feeling we must appear strong and therefore not let down our defenses. Apologizing renders a person humble. I’m from Texas. Athough Texans are known for their bragging rights,... Read more

February 15, 2024

My new book, The Gospel Corrupted: When Jesus Was Made God, is finished and available at in both paperback and e-book. At 118-pages in print, it is the smallest of my now ten published books. It is an easy-to-read primer to my magnum opus, The Restitution: Biblical Proof Jesus Is NOT God (570 pp.). But The Gospel Corrupted it is not merely a condensed version of The Restitution. Rather, in this little book I focus on what exactly is the nature of... Read more

February 7, 2024

  The book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament is one of the Bible’s most unusual books. It does not expressly identity its author. But it begins, “The words of the Teacher, the son of David, king of Jerusalem” (Ecclesiastes 1.1 NRSV). If the author is honest about this, he obviously is King Solomon of Israel, the nation’s third king. Ecclesiastes and the book of Proverbs represent the pinnacle of the Bible’s wisdom literature. Proverbs begins, “The proverbs of Solomon,... Read more

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