Homilists for the Homeless

Homilists for the Homeless December 11, 2014

homilistsIf you’re looking for a Christmas gift of the spiritual writing variety, the Homilists for the Homeless series includes three volumes of short homilies and sermons for all three liturgical cycles of the Roman Lectionary. I own the first two volumes myself and look forward to getting the last!

This is the kind of work that calls for slow, prayerful, and reflective reading–and rewards you again when you return to it for a second or third time.

Contributors comes from across Christian denominations and include James Martin, SJ; Richard Rohr, OFM; Michael Leach, Rob Bell, Patheos’s own Deacon Greg Kandra, and my friend Fran Rossi Szpylczyn. The contributors donate proceeds from sales to charities that feed, shelter, and provide counsel for those in need. Three great books for many great causes!

Check out Clear Faith Publishing and the series’ Facebook page for more information.

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