When Violence Divides Us

When Violence Divides Us December 20, 2012

I’ve already mentioned here on the blog how challenging, in fact heart-wrenching, it can be to try to blog in the aftermath of tragedies like last week’s devastation in Connecticut. Yesterday, I was reminded personally how swift the transition from national outrage to finger pointing can really be.

It’s not surprising, perhaps, that in the wake of the shootings, a debate over the topic of assault weapons would take center stage. As the Editor of a website that is not typically super “issue oriented”, I have found myself ill-equipped to vet the various submissions that are crossing my desk. My “rule” has typically been to abide by the teachings of the Church. I consult the USCCB website, which often has great resources compiled for our reference. That’s true in this case too. But I’ve also found our writers, our readers, and my friends fairly evenly divided on the issue of increased gun control. It’s clear to me that our Bishops are calling for specific legislative action to lessen the rising tide of violence in our country. It’s also clear to me that many good Catholics land on both sides of the issue of gun control. In my editorial efforts, my desire has been to keep my personal agenda to the side and to provide our writers with a platform that reflects this diversity of opinion.

Doing so in this case has cost me personally in ways I won’t detail here. It has also reminded me how quickly we can move from deep sorrow to bitter debate. Again, I have no answers, only a cognizance that I should try to stay out of that argument and dwell in the arena of positive, proactive, healing action.

In the case of Newtown, it’s difficult to imagine what we can possibly do to help. One small opportunity has emerged in the form of support for the spiritual shepherds at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church who have toiled so valiantly to serve their flock since Friday. Elizabeth has the entire story here, so rather than repeating it I will simply ask you to visit her blog, read the request presented, and sit down and address a few Christmas cards.

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