Use Online Tool to Urge Your Senator to Support Peace in Israel

Use Online Tool to Urge Your Senator to Support Peace in Israel August 6, 2013

From Churches for Middle East Peace comes a simple way to urge your elected representatives to help Secretary of State John Kerry move forward the negotiations between Israel and Palestine. At their website, CMEP is offering a simple form — searchable by your zip code — which will help you draft and send a note of support to your senator.

Screenshot of CMEP form to contact your senator

The pre-included text in the form states:

As a Christian concerned with peace in the Holy Land, I urge you to cosponsor S. Res. 203 supporting Secretary John Kerry’s efforts to find a lasting solution to the Israeli and Palestinian conflict.

Read the full text of S.Res. 203 here.

A question for you: How comfortable are you engaging in online efforts to reach out to elected officials on issues that concern you?

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