Intro: My One Sentence Bible

Intro: My One Sentence Bible August 15, 2009

BibleEach year my goal is to read the Bible all the way through from cover to cover between January 1 and December 31. I have accomplished this goal each year since 2000. But it doesn’t look like I’m going to make it this year, and that bothers me.

It bothers me not because I’m missing a goal, but because it means I’m not ingesting and spending enough time with my Lord’s words. I just feel more alive when I am reading the Bible everyday … not necessarily an exhaustive study, but a careful read with my spirit open for the Lord to lead and speak.

As of today, August 18, 2009, I have made it from Genesis 1 (January 1) to Psalm 119 (August 15). I figured a great way for me to keep myself accountable is to write a one sentence summary of a particular verse or passage that moves me within whatever I chronologically read that day. I don’t have a set amount of verses or chapters I read each day – I let the Lord determine that. I read and then pray until my spirit is satisfied. The following one sentences are my chronological one sentence Bible, starting with Psalm 103, when I started writing the summaries.

Benefits of God: forgiveness, healing, redemption, love, compassion, satisfaction, renewal and justice. Psalm 103:1-6

“God does not treat us as our sins deserve.” Do I do that to others? No. Do you? We must re-adjust! Psalm 103:10

God is enduring no matter how many times we run. He will never give up on us, if only we would never give up on Him. Psalm 117:2

Society continues to use the fields of psychology, biology and politics prove its validity. Yet we’re doing the same thing to prove ours! Your assurance is in what? Psalm 118:8-9

One more day closer to death, or one more day ready to live? Get out of yourself and look what the Lord has done. Psalm 118:17

I hope that throughout the upcoming days, months, years, these will be a blessing and an encouragement to you as they are to me. As long as I can get the internet each day, I will post my one sentence (yes, along with my usual posts as well).


Much love.

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