Help Get My Book on Kindle!

Help Get My Book on Kindle! September 17, 2009

After a long back and forth between my publisher and Amazon regarding a Kindle version of my book, there has finally been some movement. In order for Love is an Orientation to be on Kindle now, Amazon says there “needs to be much demand” from the public. Don’t ask me why (get ready for a gross exaggeration) every other book is on Kindle and there is such difficultly getting Love is an Orientation on there! I just don’t understand why this is so difficult! But from what Amazon and my publisher tell me, all I need now is:

Each of you to go on to Love is an Orientation’s page on Amazon and click the button on the left under the book cover that says: “Tell the Publisher! I’d like to read this book on Kindle.”

I know, many of you have told the publisher. But for whatever reason, this is what we have to do now.

Thanks for helping!

Much love.

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