Part 1: I’m Sorry Campaign

Part 1: I’m Sorry Campaign April 4, 2011

Photo by Stephanie Herrick

We will be gathering at the Chicago Pride Parade again this year (Sunday, June 26th at 10:30am) and we would love for you to join us if you live in or around the Chicagoland area!

We will be seeking to embody an alternative to the condemning messages spoken by Christians that many in the LGBT community have regretfully come to associate with the broader Church. As Nehemiah confesses the sins of the Istraelites in Neh. 1:6-7, we will be apologizing for the ways that we and the broader Church have hurt the LGBT community.

For more details about the event and to RSVP, you can check out the Facebook event page here.

We recognize that apologies only go so far and are not an end in and of themselves, but rather a starting point as we journey together towards reconciliation in broken relationships, seeking to heal past/present hurts, and overcoming injustice. With this in mind, we will be following up with another post later this week to introduce a project to go along with our ‘I’m Sorry Campaign’ that we hope you would take part in with us as we seek to let our respective apologies give birth to practical steps and actions that we can take in healing the pain and righting the wrongs that have been brought about by many in the Christian community.

Much love.


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