Living in the Tension Gathering – 11/18

Living in the Tension Gathering – 11/18 November 15, 2013

For our upcoming Living in the Tension gathering on Monday, November 18, we will be discussing singleness in relation to our broader culture and our respective faith traditions.

What are the joys and frustrations that you experience (or did experience) with singleness? What does it look like to be single and a sexual being even if a person is not engaging in sex? What can faith communities do to more fully utilize you and show that single people are valued?  What can faith communities do to more fully support single people and provide companionship? Does marriage provide things that friendship cannot? If so, what? What are ideas for single people seeking to live with high degrees of intentionality with their communities and friends?

We will be meeting in on 5255 N Ashland Ave. in Room 124 at 7pm. If you’re available beforehand, we will be grabbing a bit to eat and hanging out at Jerry’s Sandwiches on 5419 N Clark St. at 5:15pm.

We hope to see you there!

Much love.

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