Building Bridges

Building Bridges February 13, 2015

Our Last Option by Andrew MarinInherent within bridge building is the necessity to intentionally partner and work with both worldviews.  One cannot build a bridge without both worldviews present, and further:

  • Both of the opposing worldviews must be actively engaged in the work.
  • Both must put down the fear of going against the cultural grain of “acceptable” engagement and be bold enough to enter the bridge building process in proximity to one’s enemy
  • Both must understand that there is a very real possibility that there will ultimately be no common ground between the members of the opposing worldviews. Sometimes, the only common ground is that both have a commitment to the bridge building process.

Building bridges does not mean everyone will eventually agree.  It means both worldviews can  view each other through a lens of worth based on their shared humanity.

— Andrew Marin, Our Last Option Chapter 4


How does seeing someone “through a lens of worth based on their shared humanity” impact your ability to love even in the midst of disagreement?



Much love!

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