Please join us this Monday for a very special open-mic/bring-something-to-share/talent show night at our Living in the Tension gathering! This has become something of an annual tradition for us, and it’s always fun and inspiring to see and hear the artwork, songs, book passages, poems, stories, etc. that people bring to share with the group. So you’re invited to bring something–whether you made it or it was made by someone else–but something that speaks to you or your own journey in some way. Or you’re more than welcome to simply come and listen if you would prefer not to share.
As always, we will meet at 7 pm at 5255 N Ashland Ave in Room 124. Also, for anyone who’s interested, we meet for dinner beforehand at 5:15 pm at Lady Gregory’s on 5260 N Clark St, right around the corner.
Hope to see you there!