It’s My 30th Birthday Today! And I Need Help For Real…

It’s My 30th Birthday Today! And I Need Help For Real… December 16, 2010

Wow. 30. I know for many out there 30 years old is young. To me, it’s a huge day because at 8:56am Central Time I was ushered into a new decade. 30 seems so grown-up. So old…

I was already 5 years old when my parents turned 30. And here I am on a completely different path trying to just live and get by moment by moment in this crazy work that the Lord has given me; and you all as well – a group of people trying to show our culture a new bold way to live reconciliation.

I will be getting more into The Marin Foundation’s financial situation in the upcoming week, but 30 years old was ushered in by my wife and I getting the news that she has been let-go from her job. That means we don’t have her income. We no longer have insurance as of January 14. We need some help for real.

Here is a link to a new online giving site for The Marin Foundation through our website where all you have to do is sign up once, and your credit card will automatically be charged monthly, quarterly or annually without you having to think about it.  We never had this capability before through PayPal (the donation button on the left), so instead of going to PayPal sign up at this new link; which we will be embedding on all of our sites soon.

Instead of gifts and loving words, please, please sign up to donate $30 per month for my 30th birthday. If we can get 100 people to give $30/month my wife and I will be able to have health insurance for the entire 2011 year – including the two other full time employees for The Marin Foundation will have it as well, who to this point have not had any health insurance because we couldn’t afford it.

I’ll be honest, for all of the unreal opportunities we have been given over the past year, hey, the past six years since The Marin Foundation came into existence, this new decade scares the heck out of me. My head is telling me that at 30 you are supposed to be hitting your stride; your comfort zone; a solid way to move forward for the rest of your life. And here I (and my wife and the newly unknown financial stability of The Marin Foundation because my wife’s income has been the stability factor for The Marin Foundation to be able to save and grow) more insecure than ever.

Our ultimate fundraising goal for this next year would be to get enough people to sign up giving a total of just over $300,000 per year. I will break down all of our entire budget, expenses and fundraising plan over the next week, but, let’s shoot high. The Marin Foundation’s total 2011 budget can be reached if 900 people sign up to give $30/month; which totals $360/year. $1 per day will secure our entire work.

On any given day there are an average of between 500-800 unique visitors to this blog. If each of you, who come to this site for a reason, would be so bold and gracious to give, our entire 2011 budget will almost be met. We then wouldn’t have to worry about taking time to fundraise, but will be able to continue doing our actual work!

Please give to The Marin Foundation for my birthday; to sustain this work that you care so much about.

Thank you all so much. I love you dearly.

Much love.

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