A Christian Blogger Calls the “Pro-Life Movement” Heresy

A Christian Blogger Calls the “Pro-Life Movement” Heresy November 29, 2012

I just found a blog post called “A Christian Answer to the Evangelical/Catholic Pro-Life Movement.” The author calls the pro-life movement “heresy” and argues in favor of not only abortion’s legality but also it’s morality from a Christian standpoint. This is the passage I found most thought provoking and innovative:

But it is clear the God of the pro-life movement values the survival of the fetal body over the well-being of any potential human soul. …

God trusts nature to use her wisdom at times to destroy a fetus to ensure the best “body environment” for the potential soul. Humanity must follow nature’s and God’s example by judging the “exterior environment” into which the potential soul will be born. The mental and physical fitness of the mother and father. The physical resources. Is there severe damage to the fetal body nature is blind to? Would pregnancy endanger the life of the mother? Is the conception against the will of the mother? All of these external environmental factors must be considered and found acceptable in order for one to truly say that “God approves” that another soul come into the world.

Ultimately the greatest sin of the pro-life world view is that it unwittingly asserts that God often wills human souls awaken in the hell of un-wantedness or severe physical deprivation, a place extremely rare for a person to survive, let alone thrive. Tragically, too many of the world’s souls are still being born unwanted or into environments of violence and deprivation.

The whole thing is an interesting read.

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