To Those Who Make the Magic, Here’s To You!

To Those Who Make the Magic, Here’s To You! December 25, 2012

I remember Christmas when I was a kid. The music, the cookies, the decorations, the gifts. We didn’t do Santa, but it was still a very magical time. I remember how much I looked forward to Christmas. It always seemed like it would never come!

And now, I’m the adult. Now, it’s my job to create that magic for my own children. You know what no one told me when I was a kid? First of all, no one told me how much was involved in creating that magic. And second, no one told me that making that magic would be just as much fun as consuming the magic was as a child

It’s not that it’s not a lot of work. It’s not that I don’t reach that point where I wonder what the point of actually wrapping presents is, or where I feel like eating leftovers would be easier than cooking up an official Christmas dinner. It’s not like my kids always react to, say, opening a present the the way I had hoped they would. It’s not like it’s not sometimes extremely frustrating. It’s not that I don’t sometimes want to tear my hair out and just head off to my room with a book.

It’s just that, in the end, I find making the magic incredibly rewarding.

And I’m not just talking about Christmas here. I’m talking about Easter, the Fourth of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and any other holiday one happens to celebrate. I’m talking about family reunions and birthday parties. I’m talking about baby showers and anniversaries. I’m talking about weddings and open houses and cookouts. And of course, I’m talking about Hanukkah and Ramadan and Solstice and Diwali and whatever other holidays or festivals one celebrates.

So here’s to all those times and all those makers of magic. Here’s to all those late nights planning, here’s to all the cooking of food, and here’s to all those who keep the peace and bring people together. You are too often forgotten.

And of course, a Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates the season!

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