Seed of a New World: Film gives faith a new spin

Seed of a New World: Film gives faith a new spin July 28, 2015

Alex: It started with Fr. Jesus, Schoenstatt Movement Director in Austin.  He attended some preliminary planning meetings in Germany in early 2014, and suggested that we filmmakers in Austin could create a film as a gift for the world to commemorate the last 100 years of living this spirituality. We accepted the challenge, and came up with the idea show the magnitude of what Schoenstatt has to offer and the beauty of Catholicism in a film.

That led to the idea of following individuals from throughout the world to show that Schoenstatt (and Catholicism) is international. It’s not something that exists in one place but rather is worldwide and each place has its own character and style of living out the spirituality.

Mark: It’s like a snapshot so people down the road can look back in 100 years and say, “Hey, how was Schoenstatt being lived all over the planet?” That obviously resonated with us.

KM: How do you see your faith life as motivating and informing your editing process?

Mark: My faith is the “integrator” of my life. It’s what has brought together everything and made it one, made it have total meaning. That’s also my task as an editor and director. We have all these clips of people talking about stuff and it’s all meaningful on it’s own, but how do you bring it together to have a greater overall meaning that transmits more of the beauty than just the sum of the parts? That’s what I see faith as—it’s something that brings together your past, your present and your future—all these little parts of your life that have meaning on their own, but then your faith brings them together and makes them something whole.

Alex: My faith life is what motivated me to get into film in the first place. My faith has become so important to me that I wanted to find new ways of sharing it, new ways of inviting others to be a part of it—those who are Catholic already and those who don’t know much about the Catholic faith. Film is one of those ways of sharing an idea, of sharing a message, especially with the younger generation.

KM: Who is funding this project?

Alex: We’re running a Kickstarter campaign through August 6th to raise funds. There are many costs involved, including paying for outside help, equipment and technology needs. For those who aren’t familiar, Kickstarter is a crowd-funding website where new projects without any capital can approach friends, family, and the general public to contribute funds and help make the project a reality. Lots of little contributions can bring a project to life vs. a traditional venture capital model where you have one or two major investors. The interesting thing is that Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing model. If we don’t reach our funding goal, then we don’t get anything. So it’s a race against the clock! We really hope that people will show us they want to see this film!

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