What is a Church? Biblical Basics for Christian Community

What is a Church? Biblical Basics for Christian Community November 4, 2011

For the last three weeks, I’ve been working away at a series I’ve called What is a Church? Biblical Basis for Christian Community. So far, I’ve focused on questions like:

Where do people get their ideas of church?

When is a church not a church?

As you know, in most blogs, if you want to read previous posts, you have to mess around with the archive apparatus, which is not terribly user-friendly. But my habit has been to collect posts of a series in chronological/logical order and make them readily available for readers. I’ve been doing this with the What is a Church? series.

So, if you want to read what I’ve written so far, you can find it here. I’ll be adding to this series in the weeks to come.

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