Stop and Smell the Coffee

Stop and Smell the Coffee July 5, 2013

For many people in the U.S., today is a day off – and even if it isn’t, it’s the day after a national holiday, when plenty of us got to spend the day outside our normal routines, relaxing and spending time with family or friends.

So this article caught my eye over at Verily: Stop and Smell the Coffee:

For these Veneziani, the morning coffee was not just a means of rousing themselves for the tasks of the day. On the contrary, whether they stuck around for twenty minutes or two hours, this coming together at the café was the highlight of their day. It was the time to partake of leisure before the hectic quotidian rush began, to laugh with friends and to join with neighbors, to celebrate and to realize their little canal community.

I quickly acclimated to this leisurely coffee culture, but my European friends maintained a deep distaste for the way Americans consumed coffee.

What do you think about the way we consume coffee here – and do we have a similar equivalent?

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