What’s With the Doppelgangers?

What’s With the Doppelgangers? March 24, 2014

There’s a whole bunch of movies about doppelgangers (someone’s exact double) coming out in the next month or so. Over at The Atlantic, I wrote about that, and speculated on why this may be (hint–maybe the Internet has something to do with it):

That mainlined update on everyone else’s life, I think, taps into the root of our newfound doppelgänger obsession and fear. Many of us are afraid that we’re simply not enough as we are—that we’re not cool enough, pretty enough, passionate enough, or interesting enough, so, as Mindy Kaling would have it, everyone is hanging out without us.

Worse, those whom we wish would love us might prefer us if we were better, cooler, more likable—in other words, another version of ourselves. Our better double.

Read the rest here.


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