Working From Home

Working From Home September 5, 2013

I have an office, but I also work from home sometimes, and my husband works from home pretty much all the time. And so we can attest to what Ed Cyzewski recently pointed out at The High Calling: the danger of working from home is that life and work can bleed into one another in unhealthy ways.

I make my own schedule, but my work also has a way of spilling out of my schedule and into my family time, devotional time, and any other time I tried to keep separate.

Emails arrive at any hour. My to-do list sits on my desk in a corner of the living room in plain sight. I just need to flip my computer open to chip away at a big project that’s been keeping me up at night.

The pull to do one more thing is almost irresistible some days. My friends who can access their work email from home experience the same pull.

Do you work from home? What do you do to make the borders between work time and other time more clear?

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