Moving Beyond Mediocrity: It’s Hard Work!

Moving Beyond Mediocrity: It’s Hard Work! April 9, 2014

I’ve reflected a bit lately on how we often assume that if something is difficult, we’re doing it wrong and need to change course. While that’s true for some things, of course, we sometimes forget that many things are difficult because they’re worth doing – work, projects, relationships.

Over at The High Calling, Charity Singleton Craig reminds us of this fact when we’re moving beyond mediocrity:

Recently, though, I decided to make a change. It’s a small thing, really, but being thoughtful enough to remember and acknowledge these important occasions seemed worth my time. And a good way to invest in my closest relationships.

I’ve been doing better, but on a recent weeknight after a full day’s work and making dinner and cleaning up, I found myself sitting at the dining room table for 30 minutes writing and addressing sympathy cards, packaging birthday gifts for the mail, and performing other “thoughtful” tasks. When I finally finished, I told my husband, “No wonder I’ve never been a very thoughtful person. It’s hard work!”

Read the whole post here.

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