June 22, 2018

There may be no other text more debated or controversial than Aradia, or Gospel of the Witches by Charles Leland, purported to be given to him by an Italian Witch named Maddalena. Read more

June 15, 2018

Byron Ballard has called western North Carolina home since her birth at the local Seventh Day Adventist tb sanitarium. Her education includes a BA in theatre and a Master of Fine Arts in the same field. She studies and practices Appalachian folk magic, a traditional folkway that she’s dubbed “hillfolks’ hoodoo.” Her research in its origins has led her to field-work throughout the British Isles. Her books on the subject include “Staubs and Ditchwater: an Introduction to Hillfolks Hoodoo” (Silver... Read more

June 3, 2018

I’m sure you’ve seen books that list plants or crystals correspond to certain things. But I’m finding more and more that people have no idea why they correspond or where these correspondences come from. The system of correspondences came from the Doctrine of Signature. The Doctrine of Signatures examines the shape, color, appearance, the number of leaves and petals on a plant to determine what it does for the body or how it interacts with its environment. A common clear... Read more

June 1, 2018

Happy Pride Month everyone! People are always asking me what are my recommendations for books on gay or queer witchcraft books. So I thought I'd kick off pride month by sharing my top eight favorite books on the subject. I listed them in alphabetical order and reposted the "official" synopsis of the books. Read more

May 30, 2018

I was recently interviewed on Weird Web Radio by Lonnie Scott. I had a lot of fun despite feeling a bit nervous and saying "um" every five seconds. In the interview we talk about a whole range of subjects. We talk about astral travel, the reality of the astral realm, how I discovered Witchcraft, what the word "Witch" means to me. This leads to a discussion spirit flight, inner journey work, and out-of body experiences. After that we touch on topics such as the three soul model, my relationship to the divine, meditation, offerings, and how I differentiate "psychic ability" from intuition. I had a lot of fun and Lonnie is a great guy. Read more

May 24, 2018

Do not neglect history but do not fetishize it either. Use what we know of ancient practices (and like all history, we only know a bit) to anchor yourself, then seek direct contact. Hekate changed drastically in her ancient and classical roles, and remains an evolving force. Read more

May 22, 2018

Norse Witch has a strong focus on making heathenry something that is experiential, and not getting hung up on or discouraged by those who say that you’re practicing wrong (aside from the racists which the author writes “are the only ones who are actually “doing it wrong”.) Read more

May 20, 2018

I decided to reach out to some of the most prominent Faery/Feri authors and teachers of our day to ask them which books they’d recommend to beginners and seekers who are interested in learning about magick in the vein and spirit of Faery/Feri. I specifically asked them not to make their lists entirely books authored by the modern founders Victor & Cora Anderson. Read more

May 15, 2018

Conjure has always been adaptive. A certain plant goes extinct, or a practitioner moves to a local where that plant does not grow, so they often find something different to take its place. Innovations occur, and those are especially notable historically when folk moved from rural to urban areas. Read more

May 13, 2018

There has been a lot of talk on the topic of personal gnosis lately and I thought I would chime in with my 2 cents on the topic. It is usually grouped into three main categories. Since I've had the most experiences with personal gnosis with Hekate, I will use her and my experiences to demonstrate each of these. Read more

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