July 9, 2015

I got the stomach bug my kids had last week. Blech. I really hate vomit. However, being sick has given me plenty of time to read as I’m held up here on my sofa. I stumbled upon several encouraging posts written by my sisters in Christ for all us wives and mommies. If you are looking for something worth reading, check these out:   Feeling Beautiful: 8 Things I Learned While Shopping by J. Parker from Hot, Holy & Humorous I just... Read more

July 8, 2015

I am playing catch up on my Chronological bible reading plan. I usually listen on my phone through my earbuds while I work around the house, but the jack on my phone broke so I am trying to create new habits. Anyhow, so I was reading 2 Chronicles today and a definite pattern emerged. Ecclesiastes sums up what I observed in Chronicles well, “Moreover, I saw under the sun that in the place of justice, even there was wickedness, and in the... Read more

July 7, 2015

No doubt about it! God is good—     good to good people, good to the good-hearted. But I nearly missed it,     missed seeing his goodness. I was looking the other way,     looking up to the people At the top,     envying the wicked who have it made, Who have nothing to worry about,     not a care in the whole wide world. Pretentious with arrogance,     they wear the latest fashions in violence, Pampered and overfed,     decked out in silk bows of silliness. They... Read more

July 2, 2015

Over the years, as I have read and listened, and processed commentaries on modesty, something, in particular, has stood out. When advocates of modesty talk about immodest women, they almost uniformly fail to grasp the tragic reality behind the surface problem. I read one woman who went so far as to pontificate about what the thought process of a girl who was choosing immodest clothing was as she dressed. This particular author thought that a choice to wear inappropriate apparel... Read more

June 30, 2015

  Last weekend, we packed up our family and went to visit my hometown. As we drove the seven hours from Northern Idaho to Southern Idaho, my stomach churned inside me. Outside my window, the landscape transformed from a lush oasis to a dry, desert land, and I couldn’t help but notice that my insides felt the same way. I don’t have a storehouse of pleasant memories from my childhood. God places some of us in homes that are rich... Read more

June 28, 2015

God created marriage. He created marriage to be between a man and a woman. Not man and man, not woman and woman. What men and women decide is legal or not has no bearing on God and His laws. You can’t change what constitutes marriage any more then you can change what time the sun rises and sets each day. As a Christian, I cannot support homosexual behavior, so it should go without saying that I cannot support  calling a... Read more

June 25, 2015

With the advent of the Internet, the sheer volume of information available stretches far beyond what we could possibly have time to process in one lifetime. Less than twenty years ago, our knowledge was limited to what our social circles knew through personal experience or through selective news outlets.  Today, we have the whole wide world and everything anyone thinks, feels or witnesses at our fingertips. The data is raw, unfiltered, and largely unmoderated. When I was a child, news... Read more

June 23, 2015

I can’t think clearly today. My whole body is sore. My head hurts. I’m not sure how I’m going to get through today without fainting. I have so much I need to be doing right now, but it is taking everything I’ve got just to stay upright and awake. Tests came back indicating anemia — again. That explains the exhaustion and it is a good excuse to splurge on a steak dinner this week. This is just one day in... Read more

June 19, 2015

Lust: a cornerstone in the modesty debate. One the one hand, we have the conservative group who emphasize the responsibility of women not to tempt men. I disagree with this emphasis because this type of thinking often leads to harsh legalism. However, their concern is not unfounded; the truth is that most men are most easily stimulated visually. On the other hand, we have the group who says that we need not consider our brothers at all; this is simply... Read more

June 15, 2015

There’s no point in lying, life hasn’t been easy lately. My husband is working a lot with the ambulance company and taking classes online in pursuit of a master’s degree. We are still unpacking, painting and organizing our new house. Our kids (deep breath), oh our kids. The girls are actually doing great. They are making new friends on our new block and enjoying spending their days outside in the beautiful sunshine. But our boys, or more specifically, our youngest... Read more

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