A shout-out to a blog you should be reading

A shout-out to a blog you should be reading June 26, 2014

If you haven’t paid a visit lately to a blog over on the Evangelical Channel, Cranach: The Blog of Veith (Christianity, Culture, Vocation), you probably should.

First off, who is Gene Veith?  He is….

Provost and Professor of Literature at Patrick Henry College, the Director of the Cranach Institute at Concordia Theological Seminary, a columnist for World Magazine and TableTalk, and the author of 18 books on different facets of Christianity & Culture.

Then, who or what was Cranach?  He was a friend of Martin Luther’s who did much to promote the Reformation and serve the common good in his varied callings of businessman, politician, chemist, teacher, family man, and active church layman. Gene writes,

As a Christian who lived out his faith in his many different callings, Cranach thus embodies the Reformation doctrine of vocation, using the gifts God had given him in service to Christ and his neighbor in the church, the family, the workplace, and the culture.

In the spirit of Lucas Cranach, this blog will discuss wide-ranging issues of Christianity and culture with a Lutheran twist.

Those discussions frequently range to the issues of living out one’s faith in the world of work that we discuss over here at the Patheos Faith and Work Channel.  Just a  few days ago Gene gave us a shout-out, for which we are deeply grateful.  You can also read his thoughts on:

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  Lots more here, plus frequent news reports and musings on culture and Christ.  Sign up to follow Gene. You’ll have much to provoke thought and discussion in return!

Images: via Cranach, and  “Luther’s Works” by MTSOfan, used under a Creative Commons license.

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