Stay Woke: 15 Women and Men on Why They Marched in the Women’s March

Stay Woke: 15 Women and Men on Why They Marched in the Women’s March January 24, 2017

In Washington, D.C.
In Washington, D.C.

“We shouldn’t ever feel alone.”

Reem: What moved me- seeing my sisters in humanity who came from all over the country to show solidarity for what’s right, which I see as a sign of their commitment for a better society for everyone. The take away was realizing we shouldn’t ever feel alone and that there are so many who wish to embrace us. It’s on us to make sure our hand is always extended, that we also embrace justice and equality for all, and that we don’t internalize any of the things that are projected on to us or assume that people have ill feelings towards us. Even when we encountered some typical assumptions about us as hijabis (such as we are foreigners), it was always in a spirit of kindness and love. There is so much love to capitalize on, alhamdulillah, and I pray that Allah guides us to the best ways to do that.

Next: Marching for Racial Equality and Civil Rights

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