When plans don’t work out.

When plans don’t work out. November 30, 2009

It was one of those weekends! My hubby and I live far from family and had no money or vacation time left to spend Thanksgiving with family. We don’t get to see them very often (sometimes it feels like never) and we miss them so much.

We scheduled a Thanksgiving dinner with some people from church so it would feel kind of like Thanksgiving. I had the house almost ready, I had all the food ready to go. It takes quite a bit of courage for me as an introvert to have strangers over in the first place, but I was looking forward to it. The Holidays are supposed to be spent with other people after all!

The night before the big day, both of my toddlers came down with a runny nose and a cough and one had a fever. When it reached 102.5 I knew I had to cancel.

I never thought I’d be so disappointed. After giving the babies baths and colonel and getting them into bed, I cried. It seemed so silly to be that upset, but I was really looking forward to having a Thanksgiving Dinner.

I still had to cook our Turkey, since it had been thawing in the fridge for several days. So we feasted on turkey, a fabulous rice stuffing, cranberry sauce and apple crisp. Just me and my hubby and the babies.

After 2 days of fevers and coughing, I think the babies are on the mend. My house is a wreck from neglect, since I was caring for them. I need to catch up on laundry too. But because we missed out on our get together, my husband and I got to have a nice long talk and re-connect after several long busy work weeks. I don’t know, maybe we needed it more than I thought. It felt good, I was greatly encouraged, and it never would have happened without skipping that dinner.

Maybe I had my Thanksgiving after all.

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