Fast Food Conversation

Fast Food Conversation August 23, 2010
So this weekend we pull up to the drive-thru after a long afternoon of swimming in the public pool, damp sleepy children in the back of the car.
Fast food worker (FFW): Can I take your order?

Hubby: Yeah I’d like the big sandwich meal, and

FFW (interrupting): Would you like to jumbo your order?

Hubby: Um, no thank you. Make my drink a coke and

FFW (interrupting): So that’s one regular sized big sandwich meal, Would that be all?

Hubby: No, I need a chicken nugget and

FFW (interrupting): The meal, the 4 piece, or the 6 piece?

Hubby: The 4 piece please and

FFW(interrupting): So that’s one regular sized big sandwich meal with a coke and a 4 piece chicken nugget. Would that be all?

Hubby: Um, no that’s not all. I still need and extra fry.

FFW (interrupting): You mean another fry? Or the fry that comes with your meal?

Me (whispering to hubby): Is he doing that on purpose?

Hubby (shushing me): I mean an extra large fry and

FFW (interrupting): An extra large fry? Or a large fry?

Hubby: A large fry.

FFW (interrupting): So that’s a regular sized big sandwich meal with a coke and a 4 piece chicken nugget and a large fry, would that be all?

Me: Giggling.

Hubby (shushing me): Um no, I also need a sandwich of the day. And that would be all.

FFW: So that’s a regular sized big sandwich meal with a coke and a 4 piece chicken nugget and a large fry and a sandwich of the day and that’s all.

Hubby: Yes?

FFW: Your total is $14 please pull around.

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