Quick Takes #24

Quick Takes #24 August 6, 2010

Have you heard of the exercise where you as a spouse are supposed to read 1 Corinthians 13 replacing the word “love” with your name? Like “John is patient, john is kind etc..” I was recently thinking, what if we read the passage replacing the word love with God? After God is love. It’s actually pretty amazing to wonder if this really is who God is!

God is patient, God is kind. God is not jealous, God is not pompous, God is not inflated,
God is not rude, God does not seek his own interests, God is not quick-tempered,
 God does not brood over injury,
God does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth.
God bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
God never fails.
I wrote a Quick Takes blog post last week about finding the time to make sex happen when you are parents of small children, and then I chickened out and didn’t post it. It’s not very revealing at all, more about attitude then specifics. I laughed the whole time I wrote it, but it’s practical too. Would any of you be interested in a post like that?
We are coming up on one year since we decided not to spank our children any longer, and I am planning on writing a bit about what I have learned about myself, and my children. I have a wealth of encouraging websites and book titles to share as well, so stay tuned.

I would just like to say, that homemade play-dough is awesome! It seemed like it would take so much time and make so much mess, but then I found a recipe for No Cook play-dough, and it worked! What’s even better is that I whipped it up in my kitchen-aid and it took literally 4 minutes to make.

The great things about homemade play-dough are:

1. It makes a large amount. Meaning you can actually sculpt stuff out of it.

2. It’s all the same color. Meaning that the kids can’t fight over who gets the last scrap of purple.

3. It’s cheap and easy to make. Meaning that when it falls on the floor and gets full of crumbs and hair I can throw it out without any guilt, instead of spending any amount of time trying to pick junk out of the play-dough before I put it away.

But don’t take my word for it, go make some!

In the course of this week there were some awesome posts published on several of the blogs I read, so I thought I would share two of my favorites. If you are coming from Conversion Diary you have probably already read her post on the Eucharist, if not hop over and read it! I loved her thoughts about it. As a protestant I’ve heard the argument that it is beneath God to appear as bread, but she argues that perspective comes out of arrogance!

The other post I want to share is Betty Duffy’s post on culture in 2010 and fighting apathy. It is a great challenge to really ask what we desire most out of life, and then make it happen, even when it takes work.
Here is a ridiculous website that makes me laugh. Just in case you feel like wasting a little bit of time. 🙂
And in kid stories this week, my 2 year old asked me politely for a cookie. Her 3 year old sister interrupted her to say ” That’s not how you ask, you have to be sad, like this.” and then proceeded to flop against the couch and wail “pleeeeassse a coookkkie mommmmmm” complete with a devastated face.
Hop over to Conversion Diary to read more Quick Takes and maybe share some of your own!

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