Saturday Evening Post #7

Saturday Evening Post #7 September 4, 2010

Every month Elizabeth Esther invites us to share the latest and greatest from our blogs. Run over to her site and read all the other great entries and maybe share one of your own post from the last month.
It’s always tough to pick just one to share, but this month was worse than usual!
I wrote my most popular post ever, Excessive Modesty makes me feel objectified. I talked about the changes in our family since we stopped spanking one year ago. I wrote about the judgment and discrimination in the christian community that weighs heavy on my heart.  And I shared my arsenal of gentle discipline blogs and websites.
The one I decided to share at for the Saturday Evening Post is my post on Perfectionism.
Because this realization has been a huge breakthrough in my life, and I think it effects many many other people in a similar way.

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