I have had an unexpected but very welcome influx of visitors in the last few weeks. Haley’s cousin, my sister and then my brother all came up to see us right in a row. All the visits went wonderfully and I have been spending most of my time away from the computer which means I am not writing much at the moment. So while I am busy I figured I would put up a kids update post, hopefully I’ll be back to regular posting soon.
5 year old Ms Action got to try out a rock climbing wall this month, she was the youngest kid there who made it all the way to the top and hit the buzzer. Recently, while explaining her neighbor friend’s mood swings to me, she said “He was very super annoyed because he couldn’t go to the party and play with his cars at the same time. But you can’t do everything at once, unless you are an octopus and have lots of arms.”
4 year old Ms Drama could almost have a whole post dedicated to the process it takes to convince her to put on pajamas. Lately, she has been overtired by the time bedtime rolls around each night, and when I tell her to put on her own pajamas she just flops on the floor and wails. So I “help” her. I go to the pajama basket and pull out the pink pants and shirt that she wore last night. No! She protests, those pants are OK, but the shirt is dirty. I look it over and it doesn’t look dirty to me, she only wore it once, but she has rejected it so I dig in the basket and find a few other shirts. The long sleeve one is rejected as too hot, the blue Cinderella one has a princess on it and she doesn’t like princesses (since when?) That shirt is too scratchy, this one has a stain on it. I am getting frustrated and she whines on the floor in just her PJ pants. Finally Haley has gotten the other kids in bed and comes over to help, she asks why Ms Drama isn’t wearing her pink shirt from last night and gets informed of the invisible dirt. Haley offers to clean the shirt, and takes it over to the dryer and pops it in for a few seconds, the buzzer goes off and Haley pulls out the freshly fluffed shirt and offers it to Ms Drama who smiles and pronounces it nice and clean. Whew!
3 year old Ms Pooky: “Mom, I pooped in my diaper. You’re a very good diaper changer” Why thank you dear.
Ms Pooky: (Singing to herself in the next room) “Corta Elbello!!”
Me: (Recognizing the phrase from the Dora the Explorer episode on haircuts) “What? No Corta Elbello!!”
Sure enough she was wielding scissors.
1 year old Mr Punk has got to start going to bed earlier, as of right now he is awake and grumpy, so I am going to close here and go put him in bed.