Louis Murray of Trump’s Catholic Roundtable calls me a pharisee…

Louis Murray of Trump’s Catholic Roundtable calls me a pharisee… October 13, 2016

King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Public Domain.
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Public Domain.

I often share my posts in numerous groups on Facebook and some groups on LinkedIn. Little did I know that a member of Trump’s Catholic Roundtable was in one of these groups. I posted my article “Breaking: “CatholicVote.org” and other GOP Elites say Goodbye to Trump” on October 9 in the LinkedIn group “Catholic Professionals” and received numerous replies.

Louis Murray’s LinkedIn profile picture.

The comment posted in the group described as “open” to “everyone”, Mr. Louis Murray wrote:

I am a member of the Trump Pence Catholic Advisory Committee. Reposting your blog on Linked In is lazy. Recent vicious Anti-Catholic emails where leadership in the Clinton campaign call Catholics “backward” and “medieval” makes your commentary very stale. Further these messages indicate a Soros funded Democratic group(s) actively working to destabilize the Church (for a “Catholic-spring”). Your reasoning is also faulty. Your pointy headed pseudo intellectualism has turned you into a Pharisee. Mr. Trump respects Catholics. Mr. Trump will appoint Scalia-like judges. Mr. Trump will stop Obamacare. Mr. Trump will uphold the Hyde Amendment. Mr. Trump will promote the common good and religious liberty. Mr. Trump promotes subsidiarity. You were always a Never Trumper and the Access tape was just a chance for your kind and the GOP elite to try and destroy Trump’s campaign. The coup failed. Trump is rude. YAWN. Trump is a fighter for the USA and Western Civ.

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I sent Mr. Murray a LinkedIn direct message asking a few questions with a request for an on the record reply. I wrote:

Hi, Lou, I want to know what you think about Trump’s use of language that treats women as commodities in relation to your support of the candidate. I see you considered my posting of the article “lazy” and my commentary “stale”. Are you suggesting that Trump gets a pass for his hostile language towards the dignity of women – in fact, promoting, as a member of his Catholic roundtable, his cause as fighting for the USA and Western Civilization – while at the same time attacking Democrats for their confused attacks against the Church and Catholics? Additionally, could you explain what you mean by “Your reasoning is also faulty. Your pointy headed pseudo intellectualism has turned you into a Pharisee.”? Please, Lou, can you tell me what you understand to be “subsidiarity” and “the common good”? Are you primarily or exclusively focused on “Scalia-like judges”? Can you tell me whether you believe healthcare is a right? Can you tell me if you believe a living wage is a right? Lastly, as I don’t have a registry handy, could you tell me if you’re a) actually Catholic, b) know that the Church’s social doctrine exists, c) have read something like the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church? Please let me know what in your reply you desire to have communicated to me off the record as I will post what you do not label as OTR on “Proper Nomenclature” a keithmichaelestrada.com blog hosted by Patheos. All the best, Keith Michael Estrada

I have not received a reply from Mr. Murray.

It’s quite interesting to find myself in what could be a discussion with a member of Trump’s Roundtable, wherein I’ll hopefully be able to learn how it is people can rationally believe that supporting Trump – not merely tolerating Trump – can be a noble deed for the sake of any lives – born or not yet born. Mr. Murray’s comments are interesting and leave me with a few questions – thus I sent my request for some additional words.

An account the appears to belong to Louis Murray tweeted this on October 10: “The greater the obstacles the greater the victory.” What obstacles? The dignity of women? The dignity of migrants? The dignity of the poor? The dignity of the underinsured? The dignity of religious minorities? The dignity of the imprisoned? The dignity of the victims of war? The dignity of the victims of sexual predators? Ah, yes – once all of these obstacles have been overcome and further assaulted, the victory will be great – for sin, that is. Sure, debate night obstacles – but those aren’t real ones. The obstacles to a Trumpified America are any beings with dignity, beings with faces, beings who force us to see the Other and not some mere tool or means to an end.

Dear friends, it seems as if we have a Catholic roundtable that actually believes this: “Trump is a fighter for the USA and Western Civ.” In other words, we have a mockery of what Catholicism lives and teaches being paraded in Trump’s pageant team as “Catholic”. Why? Because it takes a mockery, a true bastardization of the faith to, again, not just tolerate Trump, but to champion his cause.

“Trump is a fighter for the USA and Western Civ.” Right, the USA and Western Civilization that was built off of subjugating women, exterminating peoples, and enslaving the masses. USA and Western Civilization is hardly about patriotism and tradition, it is about idolatry.

I forgot to send Mr. Murray a copy of the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church. Here’s a link, Mr. Murray – please read it while you figure out how to pen a proper rejection of Trump’s consistent and unending foolery.

That makes two ridiculous characters in Trump’s Catholic Roundtable: Louis Murray and Rev. Frank Pavone.

Let’s not judge Hillary Clinton while we’re at it, Father, no? Is Father Frank Pavone exclusively speaking and posting as a full-time parody of himself?


Until next time,

Keith Michael Estrada

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