October 9, 2015

The post I wrote for the National Catholic Register about California’s new euthanasia law attracted a few “death with dignity” trolls. As these people always do, they quickly descended to the non-argument of attacking me personally. Frankly,  I have no big problem with that. It’s an honor to be drubbed for standing against the murder of innocents. They can bring it on. However, it seemed that other readers were having trouble finding a response to these bullies. That happens a... Read more

October 8, 2015

I know more about the Oklahoma Ten Commandments Monument story than my sense of responsibility to the people I worked with will allow me to say. I’ve put off writing about it because, to be honest, I get angry every time I think about it. But I finally chased myself around my house a few times and wrestled myself into my chair and wrote a post for Catholic Vote. I didn’t tell all. Not even close. But I think I... Read more

October 7, 2015

This is a post about two prominent priests. The first prominent priest held a powerful Vatican position and taught theology to priests. He told the world — in a press conference, no less — that he’s gay, sexually active and proud of it. He denounced the “homophobic” Catholic Church and departed with a book deal and his boyfriend. The second prominent priest is from Chicago. He attended Pope Francis’ address to Congress last month. It turns out that he also... Read more

October 6, 2015

  Over 100 convert Read more

October 5, 2015

Governor Jerry Brown jumped off the cliff and into the volcano of mass murder today. He signed a law that opens the door for euthanasia in California. The harm he has done will live long after him. That’s the way it is with bad laws, and this law is a warrant to kill. I wrote about this for the National Catholic Register. Here’s part of what I said: The Los Angeles Times story is so over-the-top supportive that it was downright soppy.... Read more

October 2, 2015

If a shooter said All the Christians stand up to you, what would you do? Sadly, this is not a hypothetical. It happened yesterday in Oregon. What would you do, if this happened to you? I wrote about this for CatholicVote. Here’s part of what I said. A shooter says, All the Christians stand up.  Would you stand? Would I? I’ve lived long enough to learn a few things about myself. One of them is that when I am under physical attack, I tend... Read more

October 2, 2015

How many of these people understood what they were signing? By the way folks, this “petition” is a ruse. The man getting signatures is a comedian. However, the fact is, quite a few people signed the thing. Did they understand what they were doing???? Read more

October 2, 2015

If that’s true, then, my Read more

October 1, 2015

I watched several hours of Cecile Richards’ testimony before Congress last night. Here are six take-aways that pro life people need to understand. 1. When a grown man, who is a member of Congress, begins a Congressional hearing by making random statements about his family members’ health in order  to “prove” his own sincere intentions, and then this guy cries on cue, he’s acting. Either that, or he’s crazy. Or both. American politics has become wacko. The men get on... Read more

October 1, 2015

It’s almost Synod time again. After last year’s Synod on the Family, I almost wish they would all stay home. I’m afraid of what craziness the cardinals and bishops are going to cook up concerning marriage. We need leadership from our Church in this time of upheaval. What they tried to give us last year was theological experimentation that walked off from the Gospels into their personal wish list for Jesus as they would like Him to be so their jobs would... Read more

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