August 26, 2015

Americans saw another cold-blooded murder this morning, this time it was a disgruntled former employee, taking out his rage on his former co-workers. Now, a young man and woman are dead and another young man is bound to spend the rest of his life behind bars. What does it do to us, watching this horror show, day after day? How does following Jesus defend us against falling into the depravity we witness? I took on those questions in this post... Read more

August 26, 2015

This is the most recent video from the Center for Medical Progress detailing how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted babies to commercial medicine for research. StemExpress is a mid-level handler who buys the organs of abortion babies from abortion clinics, including Planned Parenthood, and then re-sells them to researchers. This video shows the director of StemExpress at lunch, discussing the acquisition of the livers, brains, arms and legs of murdered babies for her company. The thing that... Read more

August 26, 2015

This will lift your spirits. These photos of 14 Christian scenes sculpted out of sand are incredible works of art. Go to Church Pop and have a look.   Read more

August 25, 2015

This could be huge news. United States’ scientists have succeeded in turning cancer cells back into normal cells. So far, they have only done this with cells in a laboratory. But if they can turn cancer cells back into normal cells in the human body, the life-saving potential is enormous. From The Telegraph: Cancer cells have been programmed back to normal by scientists in a breakthrough which could lead to new treatments and even reverse tumour growth. For the first... Read more

August 25, 2015

Planned Parenthood recently recognized 16 publishers for their efforts to promote “reproductive rights.” These recipients of the Maggie Awards for Media Excellence evidently feel no embarrassment about receiving an honor from an organization that sells the body parts of babies that it has killed. You can read the whole story at Live Action News, but here’s an unofficial list of those who got the award. Do you see any of your favorite publications? From Live Action News: Buzzfeed – via Casey... Read more

August 24, 2015

Why would a pro life Catholic stay in the Democratic Party? In my case, it was because, when I prayed about it, the direct and clear answer was that I had to stay. I didn’t understand it at the time. It was the exact opposite of what I expected, or at that moment in my life, wanted to hear. But later on, I saw that God knew what He was doing. I was like a chess piece that someone moved... Read more

August 22, 2015

Thousands of pro life people protested at Planned Parenthood clinics around the country. It appears that Congress may have a spot of trouble keeping the lid on this long enough to use it for a campaign issue. If pro life people — who are a big part of the majority party’s electoral base — continue pushing, Congress might actually have to do something more than hold hearings and speechify. From the Washington Post: Thousands of antiabortion activists descended upon Planned Parenthood clinics on... Read more

August 22, 2015

Ka-Ching! Politics of any sort runs on money, and the Church has its own politics. That’s a given. The scandal — and it is scandalous — is that Catholic bishops are reported to be using monies raised from the faithful as part of Lenten almsgiving to put pressure on other bishops to accede to gay rights. I have said repeatedly — and I meant it — that I have no problem with homosexual priests. However, I have a major problem with... Read more

August 22, 2015

My colleague Tom McDonald posted a story about another atrocity against Christians at the hands of ISIS. Everywhere, all over the world including here in the USA, Satan is on the move. From God and the Machine: In 284 St. Elian, a physician, refused to renounce Christianity and was killed by his father. The site of his death in Homs, Syria soon became a locus of miracles and devotion, and a Church was was raised there in the late 5th century. A stone... Read more

August 19, 2015

Something has happened to my brain. Twice now, yesterday and today, I’ve sat down to write … and could not formulate a thought. It’s stress, I think. And lack of sleep, I think. And being overwhelmed, I think. It’s understandable, I tell myself. It will pass. I believe that and don’t worry about it. I know it’s just part of this process. But … sheesh … I have the blankest of blank minds. It’s almost as if I’m not fully... Read more

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