August 10, 2015

My mother is still in the hospital, so no blogs. I’ll be back as soon as I can.   Read more

August 7, 2015

My mother is in the hospital and things are kind of rocky. If Mama’s health improves, I’ll be back Monday. Read more

August 6, 2015

I can’t blog today. Family stuff. I’ll be back as soon as I can. Rebecca Read more

August 5, 2015

Caring for an old person is a little bit like driving a car with 300,000 miles on it. You never know when it’s going to break down, or in what weird way it will do it. Last night was an example of this. Mama passed out on us in a 3-2-1-lights-out sort of way, and then she stayed passed out. My oldest son and I spent hours in the er beside her bed while she was off wherever it was... Read more

August 4, 2015

This is the latest video by Center for Medical Progress. I found two videos, one edited and another unedited version of a second situation. The second video talks about public reaction and says that “this is the first step in stem cell research,” meaning embryonic stem cell research. I can tell you from personal experience that the medical establishment has been highly successful in using business interests to shut down legislation banning embryonic stem cell research. Sad to say, Republican... Read more

August 3, 2015

The Associated Press has published a list of the members of the United States Senate and how they voted in today’s attempt to defund Planned Parenthood. The vote was not a vote on the bill. It was a vote on a motion for cloture. Cloture would have limited debate and stopped the potential for a filibuster. Cloture needs 60 votes. According to the Associated Press story, the final breakdown was 2 Democrats and 51 Republicans voting “yes,” and 42 Democrats,... Read more

August 3, 2015

Today’s United States Senate vote on defunding Planned Parenthood fell 7 votes short. Sixty votes were needed to pass cloture, which would have cut off a filibuster. The final vote on cloture was 53-46. Congressional Republicans vow to fight on throughout the rest of the session. One idea that is being floated is to attach an amendment to the budget bill. This action would most likely result in a shut-down of government. The Senate has not posted the roll call... Read more

August 3, 2015

We won one. The United States District Court for the District of Columbia has granted a permanent injunction against the United States government in the matter of its attempt to force Tyndale Publishers to abide by the HHS Mandate. In other words, the court ruled that attempts to force Tyndale to abide by the HHS Mandate had previously been ruled Unconstitutional in the Hobby Lobby decision. The reason for this is that Tyndale is a for-profit corporation, as opposed to... Read more

August 3, 2015

  Senator Joe Manchin, (D-WV) has announced that he will vote to defund Planned Parenthood today. This is a critical vote, since Manchin is one of a handful of pro life Democrats in the United States Senate. It is possible that Senator Manchin will pay a large political price for this vote inside his own party. One of the problems we’ve had with this particular issue is separating contraception from abortion in the public’s mind and the minds of elected... Read more

August 3, 2015

The United States Senate says it will vote today on defunding Planned Parenthood. I know I’ve predicted that this vote will fall short. But every so often I’m wrong. Push your senators to help prove me wrong. Call both our senators and ask them to vote yes. You can find their emails and phone numbers here. Read more

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