April 4, 2022

The leader of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church denounced the “horrific war crimes” committed by Russian troops in Bucha. Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk said that the world saw “such scenes after the liberation from the Nazis” and now is seeing them again in Ukraine. “Literally a few tens of kilometers from the center of Kyiv, in the liberated towns, we see horrific war crimes,” he said. “Mass graves with hundreds of lifeless bodies. Executed people lying in the streets, sometimes... Read more

April 4, 2022

If you saw the photos of the slaughter of innocent civilians in Bucha by Russian troops, there is no need to explain this photo. There are calls to put Putin on trial for war crimes. The obvious question is how do we actually punish the head of state of a major nuclear power? There are other questions. Who was the Russian commander in Bucha? Who were the Russian officers? What happened in Bucha does not look like the work of... Read more

April 2, 2022

Children are a gift that keeps on giving.  I remember when I was young and the world was green that young women my age talked a lot about how having a baby was a 20-year sentence. This was a response to the way that childbearing had been used as an excuse to discriminate against women in education, career and every other life opportunity.  The anger about the discrimination was totally justified. But the conclusion about children themselves was just hyperbole... Read more

April 1, 2022

What’s all this talk about the “yield curve” and why does it matter to you? The yield curve is a plot line, just like any plot line you would make in a spreadsheet on your computer. It is based on length of time a bond has before it pays out the interest it has promised to pay the person who bought the bond, combined with the price the bond is worth in the open market.  “Short-term” bonds pay out sooner... Read more

March 31, 2022

I wrote Monday that I was tired of trashy behavior from America’s public figures.  That goes double for unconscionable support for treasonous crooks and corrupt liars in high places. I’ve had it with businesses who back those who have tried to destroy this country.  Right now, I’m looking at CBS News  Maybe CBS wants a piece of the Fox “News”/Newsmax/Alex Jones/Bannon pie. Other than hankering after a few of the brainwashed true believing followers of these outlets I can see... Read more

March 28, 2022

Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Academy Awards because Chris Rock made a cruel joke about Will Smith’s wife’s hair loss. Will Smith’s wife has Alopecia, and according to reports of those who were watching her reaction, the joke upset her. Ta da. That’s all there really is to that deal that should concern you and me. It was such a stupid story that it took me a while to even know how I felt about it, or if... Read more

March 26, 2022

These two stories crossed my feed today, a few hours after the Holy Father consecrated Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I’m not drawing any conclusions, although I do have my thoughts. Make of it what you will. Pope Francis Consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Ukraine news live: Zelenskyy says his troops have dealt Russia ‘powerful blows’ as Moscow hints it may have given up on full takeover Russian forces in Ukraine... Read more

March 25, 2022

  Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat.  Jesus Christ, speaking to Peter Pope Francis consecrated Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary today.  I’m a self-confessed bad Catholic, just about as imperfect as a member of the “faithful” can be. Some days, I question whether I, or anyone like me, even belongs in this Church.  Each time I approach Christ in the Eucharist it is with feelings of... Read more

March 23, 2022

Pope Francis has released the prayer of consecration he will pray Friday when he consecrates Russia and the Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Please consider joining your prayers with his, both on Friday and every day until then. O Mary, Mother of God and our Mother, in this time of trial we turn to you. As our Mother, you love us and know us: no concern of our hearts is hidden from you. Mother of mercy, how often... Read more

March 23, 2022

If you watched the Ketanji Jackson Brown confirmation hearings yesterday, you got a snootful of nonsensical grandstanding by the right wing Republican clowns of the United States Senate.  They strutted. They preened. They misrepresented facts. They advanced GQP conspiracy theories. They pretended to care about something other than themselves. One of them even got up and stomped out of the committee meeting in a big show of  faux outrage over the points he himself had raised. I haven’t seen such... Read more

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