November 10, 2014

The scope and scale of achievement in Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar is dizzying, mind-boggling, baffling, and–ultimately–awe-inspiring. As Interstellar begins, we see a ruined earth. We aren’t told if this ruination is caused by humans or by something outside their control, but we are told that life is fast becoming unlivable on this planet. Nolan makes lets elderly folks who lived through the worst days of Planet Earth narrate the history of its demise. They tell us there was dust everywhere. They... Read more

November 5, 2014

I have just spent several hours talking with atheists on one of the blogs here at Patheos. This wasn’t my first time talking with atheists, but this conversation was particularly illuminating and, for the most part, respectful. Several members of this community welcomed me, despite the fact that they disagree profoundly with me. I am grateful for this. This community shared experiences and raised some very thought-provoking questions. I came away from this conversation challenged that I need to do... Read more

October 30, 2014

  As I prepared to write about how that good old Reformation hymn “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” speaks hope to a fearful, tumultuous world, a fact about its history that I didn’t know leapt off the page at me. Not only was “A Mighty Fortress” written during great turmoil and conflict (what I already knew), but it also was written during the time of an infectious disease epidemic. Seriously. I kid you not. Let me fill you in... Read more

October 27, 2014

When I was a teenager, I suffered from anxiety, depression, and what appears to have been obsessive-compulsive disorder (disorders with which I have learned to cope, but still battle from time to time even now). I hit the age of 16, and suddenly a massive load of pressure and stress collapsed on me. There was long-enduring family dysfunction and brokenness. There was my own sense of deep sinfulness and a longing to “get it together” spiritually, even as my efforts... Read more

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