February 7, 2019

Note: This is the first in a series of articles I’m writing about songs that are particularly important and meaningful to me. These are songs that carry an important message about America, our history, and our continuing struggle to live up to our own creed.  _________________________________________________________________ I’d like to introduce you to a favorite music group of mine. They aren’t household names, but they have a solid following for a band of their genre, which is roots, acoustic, Americana style music.... Read more

February 3, 2019

As one who’s been on both sides of the political spectrum, I try my best to have empathy for all–at least most–viewpoints. As I sat in Church this morning, I looked around at a lot of wonderful, loving people, some I call dear friends. I know that they have generous hearts, and loving spirits. I know that they aren’t the kind of MAGA hat wearing spewers of hate and bigotry that we see on a daily basis in viral videos.... Read more

January 30, 2019

Trying to support the Democratic Party can be quite vexing. I believe a progressive political platform is the way to move our nation forward and I support most of what the Democrats stand for, but I’m very disappointed in their continual failure to properly sell their message. I don’t think anyone with an objective bone in their body could look at the political landscape and not admit that it is the G.O.P. that has played the propaganda game much better... Read more

January 28, 2019

This piece was inspired by the reaction to my last one. Last week, I wrote an article about the Covington Catholic High School controversy in Washington D.C. The gist of my article was that we all share some blame in the way that whole thing blew up. We watched the Left (myself included) jump all over the first video released that only showed one perspective. When more video surfaced that showed others involved in stirring the pot with those students,... Read more

January 24, 2019

No laws were broken. Nobody got injured. But there were no winners. There is no one person or group to blame. We all share in it. The ugly events on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial this past week involving the boys from Covington Catholic High School were a snapshot in time. It was just another storm spawned from our current national climate where everything seemed to come together in the wrong place at the wrong time for the people... Read more

January 18, 2019

One of the most popular refrains from Donald Trump’s campaign was the slogan, “Drain the Swamp.” Since The Donald was a political outsider, he claimed he would turn Washington D.C. on its head and get rid of all the “dirty water” that has been stinking up our nation’s capital for years. I have to admit, he has sort of started to  accomplish that. But the joke is on him. Slowly, that brackish muck is beginning to seep into the proverbial... Read more

January 16, 2019

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January 14, 2019

When you look at most maps, as you go to the left, you go west, just as when you look at the political spectrum, the further left you go, the more progressive you are. In my life, I have zig-zagged from left to right to left again. I was born in the “political west”. All of my immediate family were Democrats, my parents, and both sets of grandparents. I was born into a politically turbulent age in America–the late 60s... Read more

January 13, 2019

I finally got to see On the Basis of Sex, the Ruth Bader Ginsberg biopic, last night. What an inspirational film about an American icon. The tireless work done by RBG in the late 60s and early 70s to chip away at centuries of discriminatory legislation against women should place her in pantheon of America’s most cherished purveyors of social justice. She should be someone who unifies us but, alas, that is not the case. In fact, for too large... Read more

January 7, 2019

It was a big week of change in Washington D.C. The newly elected members of Congress were sworn in, including a record 102 women–35 in the Senate and 67 in the House. The swearing in ceremony that got the most attention was that of new Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ). Sinema is now the first ever openly bisexual Senator. She is now one of 10 openly LGBTQ members of Congress. Yes, times are changing in D.C., and it’s high time. Congress... Read more

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