February 10, 2021

    And We Wait By: Shane Phipps   America was a great idea so are utopias Plans are sound but they are ephemeral like the paper on which they are written Have you seen the Declaration of Independence lately? It’s so fragile that it can barely be read as fragile as the concepts written in its preamble The Constitution is fragile, too When the Bill of Rights was added to it, it was as solid and potentially eternal as... Read more

February 4, 2021

  Like the world in general, the education landscape has been anything normal in the past year. As the pandemic began to spread early last spring, schools had to scramble to find a way to continue the learning process remotely. To be completely honest, the end of the 2019-20 school year was pretty messy. Few school districts, administrators, or teachers had much, if any, experience conducting school through an e-learning model. We did the best we could on the fly,... Read more

January 21, 2021

I woke up early this morning and felt like I hadn’t felt in four years. There was a noticeable lightness in the air. It wasn’t the kind of lightness that you would feel because all is well, it was the sort that you feel when a part of your heavy burden has been removed. The load that I and the majority of Americans have been struggling to carry for four years is a little lighter today and that feels good.... Read more

November 17, 2020

Dear Right Wing Christians, I have found it hard to sit down and write about this, but I finally forced myself to do it. In the aftermath of one of the most contentious presidential elections in American history, I wanted to reach out to you and tell you a little bit about what’s been on my mind. President-Elect Biden’s victory should have left me feeling ecstatic, but that emotion was only brief, then it turned to grave concern. I saw... Read more

October 26, 2020

Lately, I’ve heard the term, “The Radical Left”, used more and more often. Through my writings, I’ve been accused of being a part of “The Radical Left” many times. It feels like President Trump has been using the term in every other sentence as the election nears and he appears to be getting more desperate by the minute. The term is used by the Right as a scare tactic. They know it’s a buzzword or a dog whistle that raises... Read more

October 7, 2020

  Dear Justice Thomas, I am writing to you as a very concerned citizen who also happens to be a Christian, like yourself. You have recently been quite outspoken on the topic of religious liberty as it pertains to same sex marriage rights. Sir, I find your recent comments to be quite disturbing for several reasons. Please allow me to, with all due respect, lay out my case, which I think will show that you have lost sight of history,... Read more

October 1, 2020

  It felt like it all came to a head on Tuesday night during the first presidential debacle—I mean debate—between President Donald Trump and his opponent, Joe Biden. Watching the president lose all touch with decorum, respect, dignity, and perhaps even sanity was extremely uncomfortable and downright disturbing. The whole world saw it and pitied us. When you can feel the world pitying us, it’s not a good feeling at all.   I wonder, Christian Trump supporters, did you feel... Read more

September 29, 2020

There are times when we are put through more than we feel we can take. I’ve experienced those times in the last week as I have watched tragedy and grief strike not once, but twice, as death visited my wife’s family two times in the span of a few days, the first was a complete shock, the second, though not unexpected added greatly to the trauma in its unfortunate and cruel timing. I have been a part of this family... Read more

September 24, 2020

Back in July, I wrote a very popular open letter to President Trump in response to his speech in front of Mount Rushmore wherein he accused public schools of indoctrinating students to “hate America.” Well, I’m back for another round. This past week, the president doubled down by announcing that he will create a “Patriotic Education Commission” so that schools will be forced by “patriotic parents” to “stop teaching about what America has done wrong” and “start teaching about freedoms.”... Read more

September 8, 2020

Even a pathological liar, given enough opportunities to speak, will occasionally let the truth slip out. I haven’t seen a comprehensive tally since back in July, but at that time, through his first 1,200 days in office, President Trump had made more than 20,000 false statements. Ladies and Gentlemen, that is an AVERAGE of 17 verifiable lies each and every day he’s been president. Look, I’m far from perfect, don’t get me wrong. I have lied many times in my life,... Read more

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