12 Ways to Make Him Sorry That Quarantine is Over

12 Ways to Make Him Sorry That Quarantine is Over April 13, 2020

how can i make him feel specialBeing cooped up can test even the best of relationships. The longer you have the stay in, the more you want to get out. Instead of wondering when will this be over, how about wondering, “How can I make him feel special?”

As awful as the pandemic is, you’ll probably never again have an opportunity like this to concentrate on your marriage without the stresses of work or outside influences. Why not use this time to make your husband feel special and put passion back into your marriage?

If you do it right, he may not want quarantine to end.

Here are some simple ways you can make your husband feel special that’ll make him sorry when the quarantine is over:

1. Plan a picnic-style dinner. Put the kids to bed, lock your bedroom door and serve him a picnic-style dinner in the nude.

2. Add a twist to his favorite game. Even if he doesn’t like playing games, he’ll like playing this way. Make any game a “strip” game. If you don’t play poker, play strip Scrabble, Hearts, War, etc. The loser of each round has to remove an article of clothing.

3. Give him a sensuous massage.  Set the mood by dimming the lights and lighting a candle. Ask him to take off his clothes and lie down on a firm surface, either your bed or the floor. Use massage oil if you have it. If not, use lotion or coconut oil. Cover your sheets with a towel to avoid oil spills. Take off your clothes (if you want to). As he lays face down, straddle him and rub oil into his muscles starting with his neck and working your way down.

4. Smile. Be intentional in smiling at him every time you see him. Your husband will be happy when he thinks you’re happy. Smiling not only makes you feel better, it makes you look better, too.

5. Send him flirty texts. Even though you’re in the same house or maybe even the same room, send him flirty texts.  Send him a flirty text from the bedroom.

6. Leave him notes. Write notes to leave on his bathroom mirror or hide them around your house. You can write love notes or notes of encouragement. Tell him why you appreciate him and why you’re glad you married him.

7. Take him coffee in bed or take him a bedtime snack. Take him coffee in bed if you awake before he does or take him his favorite bedtime snack.

8. Catch him doing something good and let him know. Thank him for taking out the trash, helping around the house or playing with the kids. Yes, he should help with those things. Thanking him lets him know you notice what he does.

9. Put your phone down and focus on listening to him when he speaks. Let him know he’s important by listening when he speaks to you. Look him in the eyes, don’t interrupt, and let him know you understand what he’s saying, even if you don’t agree with him.

10. Tell him you appreciate him. Loss of work can make your guy feel extra stressed, even if you are the major breadwinner in the family. Let him know you appreciate him. Remind him you’re a team and you’ll get through this tough time together.

11. Enjoy a movie of his choosing with him. Allow him to pick a movie and watch it with him. Don’t grumble or complain if it’s an action movie. Let him know you’re happy to spend time with him, no matter what you’re doing.

12. Look nice for him. It’s tempting pull your hair back and wear the same yoga pants every day, but make an effort to look nice for him. Do your hair, put on make-up (if he likes that) and wear his favorite outfit. Since you can’t leave, he’ll know you made an effort to look nice for him.

Not all of these gestures will make every husband feel valued because all men receive love differently.  But something on this list will work.

If you’re looking for more ways to make him feel valued, enroll in my next session of Change Your Mind; Change Your Marriage and learn relationship building mindsets to change your perspective on your marriage and your husband.

Need skills to build intimacy?

  1. Learn relationship-building mindsets in my next group coaching session–Change Your Mind; Change Your Marriage.
  2. Visit my website,  like my Facebook page and  join my private Facebook group.
  3. Check out my FREE resources and download  How to Be A Wife No Man Will Ever Want to Leave.
  4. Apply for private coaching with Sheila.

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Also known as the Not So Excellent Wife, Sheila Qualls understands how frustrating a tough marriage can be. 

She went from the brink of divorce to having a thriving marriage by replacing her relationship-killing mindsets with relationship-building ones instead. She translated timeless truths into practical skills to help women get the marriages they want. 

After 33 years of marriage, she’s a blogger,  coach  and speaker whose passion is helping women turn their marriages around. And you don’t have to be a doormat to do it.

She and her husband Kendall live in Minnesota with their Black Lab, Largo. They have five children.

In addition to coaching, Sheila is a member of the MOPS Speaker Network.  Her work has been featured on the MOPS Blog, The Upper Room, Grown and Flown, Scary Mommy, Beliefnet, Candidly Christian, Crosswalk.com, The Mighty and on various other sites on the Internet. 

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