August 7, 2015

Far from this opera for evermore. Actually just for the weekend, for the Midwest Catholic Family Conference!  My kids have been extra, extra squirrelly the last few days, and I’ve had to make a few new rules, which I can only hope they will abide by while I am gone: No spreading peanut butter on balloons. No snapping while saying the rosary. No sucking on the dog’s tail. No more calling Donald Trump. No propping ladders against the house to spy on... Read more

August 6, 2015

Certainly Netflix and Microsoft are thinking of their bottom line, but they also seem to realize that their employees are people, not just cogs. Women (and men, of course) are capable of giving real attention both to work and to their children — but work and children can both be done better if working moms feel less torn, less rushed, less guilty, and less like every aspect of her life is getting short shrift. These are not impossible goals. Women... Read more

August 5, 2015

On Wednesday, NH voted to withdraw nearly $650,000 of state funding from Planned Parenthood. Even the pro-choice legislatures of our state have long chafed against funding the top-heavy, corrupt, inefficient monolith of Planned Parenthood — not because we love babies, but because we hate wasting money. Naturally, people concerned about the poor are upset about the vote to defund, because Planned Parenthood is like the classic abusive boyfriend: They’ve got us convinced that we need them, we’re going to be lost without them, we’re no... Read more

August 5, 2015

Yes, the videos are working.  And yes, it helps when you write to your rep! Or at least it seems to have worked in my state of NH, where the executive council just voted to snatch $639,000 in state funding away from Planned Parenthood. That accounts for about a third of their public funding. (Their federal funding is, of course, untouched.) The $639,000 will go to four other health clinics. According to the local TV news site: Republican councilor Chris Sununu was at the center of... Read more

August 4, 2015

My favorite story about John Vianney is when some disgruntled parishioners circulated a petition to the bishop to have him removed as pastor for being ” incompetent, lazy, ineffective, [and] driving people away.” So . . . he signed the petition. Womp womp. Read the rest at the Register. *** photo by Simcha Fisher Read more

August 3, 2015

Hey, now. I guess World Breastfeeding Week is a thing. Here are a few simple rules to follow: If you’re a breastfeeding mother, yay! That’s great. Enjoy hearing people say nice things for a change. If you’re a non-breastfeeding mother, ask yourself, “Am I feeding and caring for my kid?” If the answer is, “Yes, duh, I love my baby,” then you are good to go. If you have friends who try to make you feel bad for not breastfeeding,... Read more

July 30, 2015

Many Americans call themselves pro-choice, but are uncomfortable with unlimited abortion on demand, and these videos could help tip the balance in their hearts. But even as we hope and pray that the videos accomplish this conversion, let’s not forget another large population of Americans, whose hearts matter just as much: the population of women who have had abortions. *** Read the rest at the Register. Read more

July 29, 2015

Resolved: Jeffrey Imm is a moron, and so is anyone who wants to sanitize the power out of comedy. Imm’s complaint is that Mel Brooks’ The Producers makes fun of Nazis, and therefore doesn’t pay proper respect to the horrors of the Holocaust.  As Walter Hudson points out in PJ Media, “The irony of protesting fascism with a blanket declaration of what can’t be laughed at appears to be lost on Mr. Imm.” It’s not really worth arguing beyond that. If... Read more

July 28, 2015

Every siren should be a reminder that someone is in trouble — a victim, a perpetrator, an officer who is ready to the the right thing, and an officer who is in danger of doing the wrong thing. Read the rest at the Register. *** photo credit: Governor Haley signs body camera legislation via photopin (license) Read more

July 27, 2015

The other week, we visited the Worcester Art Museum in MA. I heartily recommend it if you’re in the area (and it’s free all through August!). They had a world class collection with tons of variety, from pre-Columbian art to this guy; it was quite kid friendly (a docent in the armor display helped the kids try on helmets and gauntlets), the docents were genial and well-informed, and they had the exhibits arranged well to really help you see them. We... Read more

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