Here’s my big giant list o’ links from the other day in a more convenient form.
This is not a list of the “top” Christian women bloggers, or the best, or the most popular. It’s just a list of those I’m aware of thus far.
Please let me know of any names I’m missing here and I’ll add them to the list and post the new, improved, updated and expanded Bonfire every little bit after collecting more names.
No Billboard-style ranking here. That would involve looking up stats and inventing some pseudo-quantitative, pseudo-objective formula, and that just seems like a lot of work that would only result in making it harder for anyone to find particular names in this list. This is an exhibition, not a competition, (so please … no wagering).
The name “Bonfire” here comes from Sarah Bessey:
So I am no longer standing beside your table, asking for a seat, working and serving and hoping to be noticed and then offered a seat or arguing for my right to a seat. I don’t care to sit here any more. I have no desire to be indoors, in your neat boxes. …
And someday, I’ll throw my arms around you when you break up that table to use it for kindling and toss it out the window to the outside. We’ll build a bonfire and we’ll dance around the old arguments together, laughing.
- Adventures in Baby Wearing
- Alise Write
- An Inch at a Time
- The Anchoress
- Annie at Home
- Anthea Butler
- Any Day a Beautiful Change
- Are Women Human?
- Aspire 2
- At Home With Our Faith
- Betty Duffy
- Biblical Homemaking
- Bits of Splendor
- The Blue Room
- Bohemian Bowmans
- Candace Chellew-Hodge
- Carole Smith Turner
- CBE Scroll
- Charlotte Was Both
- Cheesewearing Theology
- The Christian Woman
- Coming Out Christian
- Contemplate
- The Contemplative Society
- Cortney Dale
- The Crimson Rambler
- Crystal St. Marie Lewis
- Danielle Shroyer
- Deborah Koehn Loyd
- A Deeper Story
- Dianna E. Anderson
- A Disciple’s Steps
- Domestic Kingdom
- Dorothy’s Gloss
- Dreaming a Better World
- Driftwood
- Dry Bones
- The Dude Abides
- Elizabeth Esther
- Ellen Painter Dollar
- Eternal Echoes
- Eve Tushnet
- Everyday Awe
- The Exponent
- Faith Imagined
- Faith in Community
- Faith in the Numbers
- Faith Permeating Life
- Fellowship of Saints & Sinners
- Feminism and Religion
- Feminismxianity
- Finding Rest
- First Day Walking
- Flunking Sainthood
- The Forbidden Gospels
- Full Hands … Full Heart
- Godspace
- Grace Rules
- Graceful
- Halfway to Normal
- The Hem of His Garment
- Her.meneutics
- Hillsideslide
- Holley Gerth
- Hollywood Housewife
- A Holy Experience
- Holy Hellions
- How to Talk Evangelical
- Imagine Justice
- Imperfect Prose
- (In)Courage
- In the Name of Love
- The Incorrigible Gingers
- Jamie the Very Worst Missionary
- Jen Hatmaker
- Jenn LeBow
- Jenni Catron
- Jennifer Luitwieler
- Jesus in Love
- Jo Hilder
- Journey to Beauty
- Joy in This Journey
- Just Catholic
- Karen Spears Zacharias
- kathy escobar
- Kelley Nikondeha
- Kem Meyer
- Kingdom Grace
- Kristin Ritzau
- Kwok Pui Lan
- Laura Ziesel
- A Life Profound
- Lisa Colon DeLay
- Lisa Notes
- Lisa-Jo Baker
- Live Shamelessly
- Love, Grow, & Overflow
- Love Is What You Do
- Mama Monk
- Margaret Feinberg
- The Messy Middle
- Modern Reject
- Momastery
- Mothering Spirit
- Natalie’s Narrative
- Newlife
- Nish Happens
- No Longer Qivering
- O My Family
- That Old Black Church
- One Degree
- One Hand Clapping
- One Thankful Mom
- The Painted Prayerbook
- Pam Hogeweide
- Preacher on the Plaza
- Quiet Anthem
- A Quiet Simple Life
- Rachel Held Evans
- Rachel Marie Stone
- Rachelle Gardner
- Radical Mary
- Reluctant Pilgrim
- Renewing Your Mind
- RevGalBlogPals
- Rogue Reverend
- Roxy Composed
- The Run a Muck
- Sarah Bessey
- Sarah Over the Moon
- Sarah Posner
- Sarcastic Lutheran
- A Seat at the Table
- See-Through Faith
- SheLoves Magazine
- A Silly Poor Gospel
- Simple Mom
- Simply Church
- Sorta Crunchy
- Soul and Culture
- Spiritual practice, faith, and life
- Steph (in) Dialogue
- Still Waters
- Story in the Middle
- Stray Thoughts
- Study in Brown
- Sue’s Views
- Suzannah Paul
- Tamara Out Loud
- Thin Places
- Thorns and Gold
- Towanda’s Window
- Tribal Church
- Tropic of Cancer
- Unchained Faith
- Unequally Yoked
- An Unfinished Symphony
- The Upward Call
- Virtual Abbess
- Walk by Faith Ministry
- Walking Toward Jerusalem
- WIT (Women in Theology)
- With Pen in Hand
- The Wonder Years
- Words Half Heard
- Works in Progress