What Does it Feel Like to Channel?

What Does it Feel Like to Channel? April 13, 2016

From Pixabay by Mampu
From Pixabay by Mampu

Imagine stepping into a pool of warm water, first immersing your toe then both feet, then your lower body and finally submerging yourself completely. Feel the slight buoyancy and how the water caresses your body like silk waving back and forth across your skin. Close your eyes and sink into the peacefulness and safety of the water, as if resting back in the arms of a loving Divine Mother.

While bathing in that beauty keep your mind awake and alert. Listen, as it were, to the wind and the shifting patterns of feeling. Gradually the sensation of being surrounded gets more powerful. Now it is not water enveloping you but air, the pressure building on all sides of you and inside you, not unpleasantly, but persistently. This is the beginning of the merging.

You are subsumed into the warmth of love. Preoccupations of the conscious mind are gone and you are floating inside the tingling essence of a spirit guide. Here is calm, here is rest, here is love.   That is how it feels to me.

Is it one or many? Is it a council of benevolent beings circling around me exuding love, or is it one particular angel stepping forward with wisdom and compassion to answer a particular question? Are these my guides, or my client’s guides, or both? There is no time to consider.

As if we had called a convention, the room fills with excited ethereal attendees waiting to see what will happen, ready to answer prayers.

I must calibrate my mind.  Striking the delicate balance between mental relaxation and focus is part of the art of channeling. While I need to be fully alert to offer the mechanics of my brain – language, metaphor, and the storage room of my memories – I simultaneously have to distance my thoughts and opinions. My personality with its likes and dislikes needs to be set apart. All the hours of meditation are the essential practice to find this sweet spot balancing openness with detachment.

Then, as if my consciousness were a radio, I prime the antenna turning it this way and that until finding the “plug-in.” Once activated, the communication gushes down like opening a water faucet. Each guide has its own character, modulating my voice into a particular pitch, volume and timbre.

Do I have control over what guides come through? Yes. Holding the intention for beneficial interactions and stating an affirmation of protection and light before each session guarantees that the beings merging with me are loving, wise and compassionate. These are not recently deceased relatives, nor are they disembodied and troubled souls. Tingling through me like raindrops on dry soil, they carry the warm heft of angels and the fragrance of pure love.

Maintaining the highly attuned state of consciousness during channeling is tiring. When my mind begins to sag, the guides wrap up the session and begin slowly to recede from my sphere. Their presence fades like the scent of lilacs as you pass a garden. With a deep inhale and long sighing breath, I return to normal waking consciousness, calmer than before, as if their sweet aroma lingers in my pores.

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